A fast, powerful, and safe programming language written in rust!
It packs a punch like the Kraber .50-Cal. Kraber is designed to be minimal, flexible, and readable. Everything follows a clear and consistent pattern.
- declaring a variable called foo with type integer:
declare foo as integer
- setting the variable foo to the integer +1:
set foo to +1
- printing foo:
Scoped blocks are defined by curly braces in Kraber. Accessing a local variable outside the block it was declared in will result in an error.
declare x as whole
set x to 0
while lt(x 4) {
declare y as whole
set x to add(x 1)
set y to multiply(x 2)
called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value
Operators do not exist in Kraber. Instead, everything is done with functions because they are not limited to unary or binary operations. Functions that are both commutative and associative can take an infinite number of arguments.
Kraber only performs type coercion on numeric data types.
The +
and -
signs are not operators but are used to prefix integers (signed) to distinguish them from whole (unsigned) numbers.
This makes debugging quick and easy.
declare x as text
set x to "Hello, Kraber!"
Boolean operations are handled by Kraber Functions written in rust.
All logic gates can be made using the nand
declare x as boolean
set x to nand(true true)
declare x as float
set x to add(1 2)
set x to multiply(x 2)
set x to raise(x 2)
declare word as text
set word to "OK, "
set word to multiply(word 2)
set word to join(word "thanks for making Kraber!")
While loops can be used to implement if
declare x as boolean
set x to true
while x
set x to nand(true true)
declare factorial as function
set factorial to fun (n as whole) as whole
while equal(n 0) {
return 1
return multiply(n factorial(add(n -1)))