- neovim(in ArchLinux)
- intergrate with obsidian
- tmux
- aria2
- zsh
- mpv
- i3(with i3status)
- zathura(pdf viewer, with zathura-pdf-mupdf)
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/integer2bit/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
stow -t ~ */
If you have config file exists, there may some erros. Backup your original files and remove them. Then try stow -t ~ */
Or you can also stow single directory like stow zsh, this will only link the contain package data.
- ttf-jetbrains-mono
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- noto-fonts-cjk
- xclip for tmux yank and clipboard
Run tmux source .tmux.conf
and press <prefix>I Install tmux plugins in tmux sessions
- prefix set <C-Space>
- <prefix>r reload tmux config
- copy .zshrc to $HOME
- source .zshrc
- excute
chsh -s $(which zsh)
- ripgrep
- fd
- fzf
- git
- curl or wget
- unzip
- gzip
- nodejs
- npm
- python3
- python-pip
- gcc
- make
- cmake
- texlive (for vimtex)
- tree-sitter-cli (for latex parser)
- picom(compositor)
- feh(wallpaper)
- xorg(xorg-xrandr and xorg config)
- pavucontrol(audio control)
- rofi (app launcher)
- rofi-emoji (xdotool, xclip needed)
- i3lock-fancy(better lock style)
- acpilight (xbacklight excutable provided)
- spectacle (screenshot)
- copyq (clipboard)
- kitty (terminal)
- network-manager-applet (wireless tray)
- fcitx5 (input method)
- nautilus (gnome file manager)
- autoload (official)
- recent
- thumbfast
- osc-mordern-f
- ytdl_hook reference