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teal.connectors.ssh: teal connector to access data via SSH

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The teal.connectors.ssh package allows SSH data to be pulled into teal applications. The app developer can be used as a teal_data_module in your teal application.

Key features

  • Define one or more paths to the data in the remote server.
  • The data names that will be associated with the data.
  • Function to use to read the data. with utils::read.csv as the default.
    • Extra arguments on ssh_connector call will be passed to this function.
  • (optionally) The host of the remote server.
    • If not defined, the user must input it manually.

For an example as to how this works see the example app in the help page: help(ssh_connector).


install.packages("teal.connectors.ssh", repos = c("", getOption("repos"))))

# install.packages("pak")

Alternatively, you might also use the development version.

install.packages("teal.connectors.ssh", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))

# install.packages("pak")


x <- ssh_connector(
  paths = list(ADSL = "/path/to/ADSL.csv", ADTTE = "/path/to/ADTTE.csv"),
  host = ""
app <- teal::init(data = x, modules = list(teal::example_module()))
shiny::shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)

Example of sample application