A Vagrantfile to build a fully functional macOS / Xcode GitLab runner
Once VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed, use the following command to build and run the box :
XCODE_XIP_FILE="/path-to-Xcode.xip" \
GITLAB_URL="https://gitlab.com/" \
GITLAB_RUNNER_TAGS="macos,xcode11" \
vagrant up
Note that an Xcode .xip install archive is required to perform Xcode installation.
Add and configure a sonar-project.properties as explained here
Then use the following .gitlab-ci.yml file to perform a code analysis (and publication to SonarQube):
- xcode11
- pod install
- start-simulator.sh "iPhone 11 Pro"
- run-sonar-swift.sh -sonarurl=$SONAR_URL -sonarlogin=$SONAR_TOKEN
start-simulator.sh pre-launches the simulator for tests. Be careful to use the same simulator as the one defined in you sonar-project.properties.
run-sonar-swift.sh builds, tests, analyses and publishes results to a SonarQube server. SONAR_URL and SONAR_TOKEN are defined as GitLab CI/CD variables.
Here is a list of tools included in the box :
- Xcode
- fastlane
- flutter
- sonar-swift
- sonar-scanner
- xcpretty
- gcovr
- CocoaPods
- Carthage
- XCode
- slather
- OCLint
- SwiftLint
- applesimutils
A recent version of VirtualBox and extension pack is required to run the generated virtual machine.
VirtualBox can be downloaded from here.
Or installed using Homebrew:
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install virtualbox-extension-pack
Vagrant and its reload plugin are required to run the Vagrantfile.
It can be installed using Homebrew:
brew cask install vagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
A Xcode .xip install archive is required to build the box.
It can be downloaded from here (Apple ID required).
Parameters are set as environmeent variables when running "vagrant up" command:
PARAM1="stringvalue" PARAM2=numbervalue ... vagrant up
Here is a list of available parameters
Parameter | Default value |
XCODE_XIP_FILE | none (manadatory) |
GITLAB_URL | https://gitlab.com/ |
GITLAB_REGISTRATION_TOKEN | none (mandatory) |
GITLAB_RUNNER_NAME | none (mandatory) |
GITLAB_RUNNER_TAGS | none (mandatory) |
RAM_SIZE | 4096 |
Apple's EULA states that you can install your copy on your actual Apple-hardware, plus up to two VMs running on your Apple-hardware. So using this box on another hardware is may be illegal and you should do it on your own risk.
By using it you agree with all macOS Sierra and XCode license agreements.