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Update R version and renv.lock

Sébastien Rochette edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 4 revisions
  • I advise you to start by making a usage scenario with the platform currently online
    • Open a text file or an issue
    • Open the Shiny app in production
    • Describe a usage scenario, with screenshots of each page
    • We will reproduce this scenario after the update, to check that everything works the same
  • Create a release with a tag on 'main' from GitHub
  • Mount the version number of the package under development in the DESCRIPTION file
    • I propose to mount a minor version: 0.3.1 => 0.3.2
  • Add a section in the file with the following text
# diades.atlas 0.3.2

* Upgrade R version in renv.lock
  • Launch the packages update from the RStudio graphical interface. Packages > Update tab.
  • You can also update {w3css} with remotes::install_github("ThinkR-open/w3css)
  • Update renv.lock, but with the file dev/02_dev.R: Part "Dependencies" until "renv::snapshot()"
  • I wonder if you should also follow the lines of code right after, changing the package numbers to install from source the listed packages.
    • To be executed from the line "packages <- ", to "purrr::imap()"
    • Then run the lines above again to return from "custom_packages" to "renv::snapshot()"
  • Update the Dockerfile at the root of the project so that the very first line contains the same R version number as you
  • Also look for all the "rocker/geospatial:4.2.0" in the files in the folder: ".github/workflows/***.yaml" to put the same R version as you
  • Commit / Push / PR
  • After merging into the main branch, continuous integration will try to build the Docker that will be used for the prod. You will know if there is no technical problem already.
  • Then, it's better to run a golem::run_dev() locally and redo the usage scenario to see if nothing is broken, even if it means redoing screenshots to show the differences if necessary.
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