Offers a unified API based on the source generated low-level API provided from DynamoDB.SourceGenerator.
- Builder patterns to create request builders.
- Request handlers that perform the DynamoDB request and handles the response.
- Middlware Support through
- Middlware Support through
Add the following NuGet package as a dependency to your project.
All examples can be found through the links.
Extend a DTO to contain the mashaller functionality:
IRequestHandler<string, Cat?> getById = Cat
.ToGetRequestHandler(x => x.ToGetRequestBuilder());
if (args.Length == 1)
Cat? response = await getById.Send(args[0], CancellationToken.None);
throw new NotImplementedException();
[DynamoDBMarshaller(AccessName = "FromId", ArgumentType = typeof(string))]
public partial record Cat(string Id, string Name, double Cuteness);
Every IRequestHandler<Targ, TResponse>
supports middlewares:
IRequestHandler<string, Cat?> getById = Cat
x => x.ToGetRequestBuilder(),
x =>
x.RequestsPipelines.Add(new RequestDurationConsoleLogger());
if (args.Length == 1)
Cat? response = await getById.Send(args[0], CancellationToken.None);
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class RequestDurationConsoleLogger : IRequestPipeLine
public async Task<AmazonWebServiceResponse> Invoke(
RequestContext requestContext,
Func<RequestContext, Task<AmazonWebServiceResponse>> continuation
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var result = await continuation(requestContext);
Console.WriteLine($"Duration: {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
return result;
[DynamoDBMarshaller(AccessName = "FromId", ArgumentType = typeof(string))]
public partial record Cat(string Id, string Name, double Cuteness);
public partial class DynamoDBEmployeeRepository : IEmployeeRepository
private readonly IRequestHandler<(string department, string email), Employee?> _getEmployee;
private readonly IRequestHandler<(string department, string email), Employee?> _deleteEmployee;
private readonly IRequestHandler<string, IReadOnlyList<Employee>> _queryByEmail;
private readonly IRequestHandler<Employee, Employee?> _createEmployee;
private readonly IRequestHandler<
(string Department, string EmailPrefix, DateTime MustBeLessThan),
> _queryByDepartment;
private readonly IRequestHandler<
(string Department, string Email, string NewLastname),
> _updateLastname;
private readonly IAmazonDynamoDB _database;
public DynamoDBEmployeeRepository(IAmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB)
_database = dynamoDB;
var middleware = new RequestLogAnalyzer();
_deleteEmployee = Employee
x => x.ToDeleteRequestBuilder(y => y.department, y =>,
x =>
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
_getEmployee = Employee
x => x.ToGetRequestBuilder(y => y.department, y =>,
x =>
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
_queryByEmail = Employee
x =>
x.WithKeyConditionExpression((x, y) => $"{x.Email} = {y} ")
.ToQueryRequestBuilder() with
IndexName = "EmailLookup",
x =>
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
_createEmployee = Employee
x =>
(x, y) => $"{x.Department} <> {y.Department} AND {x.Email} <> {y.Email}"
x =>
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
_queryByDepartment = Employee
x =>
(x, y) =>
$"{x.Department} = {y.Department} and begins_with({x.Email}, {y.EmailPrefix})"
(x, y) => $"{x.Metadata.Timestamp} < {y.MustBeLessThan}"
x =>
x.RequestsPipelines.Add(new RequestLogAnalyzer());
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
_updateLastname = Employee
x =>
x.WithUpdateExpression((x, y) => $"SET {x.LastName} = {y.NewLastname}")
.ToUpdateItemRequestBuilder((x, y) => x.Keys(y.Department, y.Email)) with
ReturnValues = ReturnValue.ALL_NEW,
x =>
x.AmazonDynamoDB = dynamoDB;
public Task<Employee?> GetPersonById(
string department,
string email,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
) => _getEmployee.Send((department, email), cancellationToken);
public Task<IReadOnlyList<Employee>> SearchByEmail(
string email,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
) => _queryByEmail.Send(email, cancellationToken);
public Task<Employee?> CreateEmployee(Employee employee, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
_createEmployee.Send(employee, cancellationToken);
public Task<IReadOnlyList<Employee>> QueryByDepartment(
string department,
string emailStartsWith,
DateTime updatedBefore,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
) => _queryByDepartment.Send((department, emailStartsWith, updatedBefore), cancellationToken);
public Task<Employee?> UpdateLastName(
string department,
string email,
string lastname,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
) => _updateLastname.Send((department, email, lastname), cancellationToken);
public Task DeleteEmployee(
string department,
string email,
CancellationToken cancellationToken
) => _deleteEmployee.Send((department, email), cancellationToken);