chore: improvements #31
5 errors
input "WP_SCRIPT_DIST_TAG" of workflow_call event has the default value "wp-6.6", but it is also required. if an input is marked as required, its default value will never be used
property "deploybot_email" is not defined in object type {actions_runner_debug: string; actions_step_debug: string; github_token: string; github_user_email: string; github_user_name: string; github_user_ssh_key: string; github_user_ssh_public_key: string; npm_registry_token: string}
property "deploybot_user" is not defined in object type {actions_runner_debug: string; actions_step_debug: string; github_token: string; github_user_email: string; github_user_name: string; github_user_ssh_key: string; github_user_ssh_public_key: string; npm_registry_token: string}
property "deploybot_ssh_private_key" is not defined in object type {actions_runner_debug: string; actions_step_debug: string; github_token: string; github_user_email: string; github_user_name: string; github_user_ssh_key: string; github_user_ssh_public_key: string; npm_registry_token: string}
property "deploybot_ssh_public_key" is not defined in object type {actions_runner_debug: string; actions_step_debug: string; github_token: string; github_user_email: string; github_user_name: string; github_user_ssh_key: string; github_user_ssh_public_key: string; npm_registry_token: string}