Darwiin remote with OSC extension for Max OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
Based on [DarwiinRemote 0.7] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/darwiin-remote/) and a modified WiiRemoteFramework OSC functionality based on https://code.google.com/p/darwiinosc/ by andreas schlegel
Adapted by [Matthias Kronlachner] (www.matthiaskronlachner.com)
Updated by Ivan Nolasco
You can change Sender IP:PORT and Receiver Port by commandline arguments:
Open terminal and go to folder DarwiinRemote.app/Contents/MacOS
./DarwiinRemote -ip <send ip> -port <send port> -rcv_port <rcv port>
To set for example send ip to, sender port to 5610 and receiver port to 5611
./DarwiinRemote -ip -port 5610 -rcv_port 5611
This is very useful if you connect multiple wii controllers -> start multiple instances with different port settings
- Make "Find Wiimote" a stop button when searching
- Add disconnect button
- Remove warnings
- Update icon to higher resolution
- Improve UI