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Web viewer and editor for interactive educational content


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innoDoc web app

HTML viewer for interactive educational content.

Running the application


The easiest way to get started is to use the prebuilt image.

docker run \
  --rm \
  --publish 8000:8000 \
  --env CONTENT_ROOT="" \
  --env MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb/innodoc-test \
  --network innodocbridge

Note: You still need a MongoDB instance and content for the app to do anything useful.

See also: Docker README

Manually building the application


Please make sure you have a current version of Node.js and Yarn installed on your system. For Node.js use your package manager of choice. nvm is also an excellent option to install a current version of Node.js into your home directory.

The software is built and tested on Linux systems. Using it on other operating systems might work, but your mileage may vary.

1. Install dependencies

Install node packages.

$ yarn install

2. Configuration

Copy the example configuration .env.example to .env and edit to your liking.

3. Build the application

$ yarn build

An optimized production build can be found in the directory packages/client-web/src/.next.

4. Start the production server

This will start the web server that serves the web application.

$ yarn start

Serving content to the application

For the application to do anything useful, you will need content to display.

Content is static data in the shape of JSON and image files. To produce such content a separate program innoConv can be used. The content needs to be served via HTTP(S) (see CONTENT_ROOT). Don't forget to send CORS headers if needed.

Configuration options

Configuration options are set in the .env file. You can use .env.example as a basis. For docker run you might want to use --env or --env-file.


Web applications usually run behind a reverse proxy to provide features such as TLS termination, static asset serving or load balancing. Details on how to do that is not in the scope of this document.

Static assets are stored in the directory /innodoc-webapp/src/.next/static in the Docker container.

Currently the application should be served directly from the domain root (like rather than from a sub-directory (like


The codebase is split into separate sub-packages for organizational purposes and to enable sharing of code. This is managed by Yarn Workspaces.

Development server

The development server compiles code on-the-fly and therefore there's no need to build in advance. Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is activated by default.

$ yarn dev

Unit tests

Jest and Enzyme are used for testing.

$ yarn test:unit

Shows detailed coverage report and also produces ./coverage/lcov-report that can be viewed in a web browser.

$ yarn test:unit:coverage

E2E tests

Playwright is used for E2E testing.

This will spawn the app and content servers automatically before running E2E tests. Afterwards both servers are shut down. Don't forget to build the application before as this runs directly on the production build.

$ yarn test:e2e

E2E tests can also be looked at while running.

$ yarn test:e2e:show

For failed tests a screenshot will be taken automatically and placed into the directory packages/client-web/e2e/screenshots.

Serve test content

Serve test content that can be used with CONTENT_ROOT. That comes in handy for development and testing. For production you should set up a proper web server to handle static content.

$ yarn test:e2e:content


Based on Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. Most notable difference: No semicolon at the end of a statement.

$ yarn lint

Bundle analyzer

Visualize bundle contents using Webpack Bundle Analyzer.

$ yarn workspace @innodoc/client-web build:bundle-analyze