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inhumantsar committed Apr 18, 2024
1 parent 03dea01 commit 15c3003
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Showing 22 changed files with 1,020 additions and 994 deletions.
485 changes: 0 additions & 485 deletions NotePropSettingList.svelte

This file was deleted.

376 changes: 27 additions & 349 deletions main.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import { Readability } from '@mozilla/readability';
import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS, DEFAULT_SLURP_PROPS } from './const';
import { App, MarkdownView, Modal, Notice, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, ProgressBarComponent, Setting, TextComponent, htmlToMarkdown, moment, normalizePath, requestUrl, sanitizeHTMLToDom, stringifyYaml } from 'obsidian';
import type { SlurpArticle, ISlurpMetadata, SlurpProps, SlurpSettings, TagCase, IFormatterArgs } from 'types';
import { SlurpProp, TAG_CASES } from 'types';
import NotePropSettingList from "./NotePropSettingList.svelte";
import { createFilePath, isEmpty, sortSlurpProps } from './util';
import { format, formatString } from 'formatters';
import { dump } from 'js-yaml';
import { Pair, stringify } from 'yaml';
import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS, DEFAULT_SLURP_PROPS } from './src/const';
import { App, MarkdownView, Notice, Plugin } from 'obsidian';
import type { SlurpArticle } from './src/types/article';
import { SlurpProp, type SlurpProps } from './src/slurp-prop';
import { createFilePath, sortSlurpProps } from './src/util';
import { createFrontMatter } from './src/frontmatter';
import { fetchHtml, parsePage, mergeMetadata, parseMetadata, parseMarkdown } from './src/parse';
import { SlurpNewNoteModal } from './src/modals/new-note';
import { SlurpSettingsTab } from 'src/settings';
import type { SlurpSettings } from 'src/types/settings';
import type { FormatterArgs } from 'src/types/misc';

export default class SlurpPlugin extends Plugin {
settings!: SlurpSettings;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,354 +71,31 @@ export default class SlurpPlugin extends Plugin {

displayError = (err: Error) => new Notice(`Slurp Error! ${err.message}`);

fixRelativeLinks(html: string, articleUrl: string) {
const url = new URL(articleUrl);

return html
// Handles absolute paths
.replace(/(href|src)="\/([^\/].*?)"/g, `$1="${url.origin}/$2"`)
// Handles relative paths
.replace(/(href|src)="([^\/].*?)"/g, (match, p1, p2) => {
// Check if it's a protocol-relative URL (starts with //) or has a protocol
if (/^\/\//.test(p2) || /^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:/.test(p2)) {
return match; // return original if it's protocol-relative or has a protocol
return `${p1}="${new URL(p2, url.href)}"`;

async fetchHtml(url: string) {
const html = await requestUrl(url).text;
if (!html) {
console.error(`[Slurp] Unable to fetch page from: ${url}.`);
throw `Unable to fetch page.`;
return this.fixRelativeLinks(html, url)

parsePage(doc: Document) {
const article = new Readability(doc).parse();

if (!article || !article.title || !article.content) {
console.error(`[Slurp] Parsed article missing critical content: ${article}.`);
throw "No title or content found.";
return article;

updateStringCase(text: string) {
switch (this.settings.tagCase) {
case "PascalCase":
return text.replace(/ ./g, (str) => str.trim().toUpperCase()).replace(/^./, (str) => str.toUpperCase());
case "camelCase":
return text.replace(/ ./g, (str) => str.trim().toUpperCase()).replace(/^./, (str) => str.toLowerCase());
case "snake_case":
return text.replace(/ /g, '_').toLowerCase();
case "kebab-case":
return text.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase();
return text.replace(/ /g, '-');

parseMetadataTags(elements: NodeListOf<HTMLMetaElement>) {
// Tags need to be split and reformatted:
// - Must be alphanumeric (not numeric)
// - May contain underscores or hyphens
// - Nested tags are separated by forward slashes (/)
// - Tags are case-insensitive
const tags = new Set<IFormatterArgs>();
elements.forEach((e) => e.content
.forEach((text) => tags.add({ prefix: this.settings.tagPrefix, tag: this.updateStringCase(text.trim()) })));
return tags;

parseMetadata(doc: Document): ISlurpMetadata {
const metadata: ISlurpMetadata = { tags: new Set<IFormatterArgs>(), slurpedTime: new Date() };
const tmpl = 'meta[name="{s}"], meta[property="{s}"], meta[itemprop="{s}"], meta[http-equiv="{s}"]';

for (let i in this.slurpProps) {
const prop = this.slurpProps[i];

const metaFields = new Set([...prop.metaFields || [], ...prop.extraMetaFields || []]);

metaFields.forEach((attr) => {
// tags need special handling, for everything else we just take the first result
if ( == "tags") {
const elements: NodeListOf<HTMLMetaElement> = doc.querySelectorAll(formatString(tmpl, attr));
this.parseMetadataTags(elements).forEach((val) => metadata.tags.add(val));
} else {
// @ts-ignore
if (metadata[] != undefined) return;
const elements: NodeListOf<HTMLMetaElement> = doc.querySelectorAll(formatString(tmpl, attr));
if (elements.length == 0) return;

// @ts-ignore
metadata[] = elements[0].content;

return metadata;

mergeMetadata(article: SlurpArticle, metadata: ISlurpMetadata): SlurpArticle {
const merged = { ...article };

// handle tags separately
merged.tags = new Set([...article.tags, ...metadata.tags]);

// Iterate over the keys of objB
for (const key in metadata) {
// @ts-ignore
if (key !== 'tags' && isEmpty(merged[key]) && !isEmpty(metadata[key])) merged[key] = metadata[key];

return merged;

parseMarkdown(content: string): string {
const md = htmlToMarkdown(sanitizeHTMLToDom(content));
if (!md) {
console.error(`[Slurp] Parsed content resulted in falsey markdown: ${md}`);
throw "Unable to convert content to Markdown.";
return md;

async slurp(url: string): Promise<void> {
const html = await this.fetchHtml(url);
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
const article: SlurpArticle = { slurpedTime: new Date(), tags: new Set<IFormatterArgs>(), ...this.parsePage(doc) };
const metadata = this.mergeMetadata(article, this.parseMetadata(doc));
const content = this.parseMarkdown(article.content);
await this.slurpNewNoteCallback({ ...metadata, content: content, link: url });

getFrontMatterValue(prop: SlurpProp<any>, article: SlurpArticle, showEmpty: boolean) {
if (isEmpty(article[]) && prop.defaultValue !== undefined)
return typeof prop.defaultValue === "function"
? prop.defaultValue()
: prop.defaultValue;

if (!isEmpty(article[]) || this.settings.showEmptyProps) {
const r = prop.format ? format(prop.format, article[]) : article[];
return r

getFrontMatterYaml(fm: Map<string, any>, idx: Map<string, number>) {
const fmObj = Object.fromEntries(fm);
console.log('created frontmatter obj', fmObj);
const yamlSort = (a: Pair, b: Pair) => (idx.get(a.key as string) || 0) - (idx.get(b.key as string) || 0);
const yamlstr = stringify(fmObj, { sortMapEntries: yamlSort }).trim();
return yamlstr;

createFrontMatter(article: SlurpArticle): string | undefined {
const fm = new Map<string, any>();
// js-yaml will want to sort by key not by id
const keyIndex = new Map<string, number>();

for (let i in this.slurpProps) {
const prop = this.slurpProps[i];
if (!prop.enabled) continue;

const val = this.getFrontMatterValue(prop, article, this.settings.showEmptyProps);
if (prop.key == "mykey") console.log(`adding mykey val ${val} (${typeof val}) to fm map`);
fm.set(prop.key, val);
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(await fetchHtml(url), 'text/html');

keyIndex.set(prop.key, prop.idx);
const article: SlurpArticle = {
slurpedTime: new Date(),
tags: new Set<FormatterArgs>(),

return this.getFrontMatterYaml(fm, keyIndex);
// find metadata that readability doesn't pick up
const parsedMetadata = parseMetadata(doc, this.slurpProps, this.settings.tagPrefix, this.settings.tagCase)

await this.slurpNewNoteCallback({
...mergeMetadata(article, parsedMetadata),
content: parseMarkdown(article.content),
link: url

async slurpNewNoteCallback(article: SlurpArticle) {
const filePath = await createFilePath(, article.title);
const content = `---\n${this.createFrontMatter(article)}\n---\n${article.content}`;
const frontMatter = createFrontMatter(article, this.slurpProps, this.settings.showEmptyProps);
const content = `---\n${frontMatter}\n---\n${article.content}`;

const filePath = await createFilePath(, article.title);
const newFile = await, content);;

class SlurpNewNoteModal extends Modal {
plugin: SlurpPlugin;
url: string;

constructor(app: App, plugin: SlurpPlugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.url = "";

onOpen() {
const { contentEl } = this;

contentEl.createEl("h3", { text: "What would you like to slurp today?" })

const urlField = new TextComponent(contentEl)
.onChange((val) => this.url = val);
urlField.inputEl.setCssProps({ "width": "100%" });

const progressBar = new ProgressBarComponent(contentEl)
progressBar.disabled = true;

const doSlurp = async () => {
let progressIncrement = 1;

const t = setInterval(() => {
const cur = progressBar.getValue();
if (cur == 100) progressIncrement *= -1;
progressBar.setValue(cur + progressIncrement);
}, 10)

try {
} catch (err) { this.plugin.displayError(err as Error); }


new Setting(contentEl)
.addButton((btn) => btn

contentEl.addEventListener("keypress", (k) => (k.key === "Enter") && doSlurp());

onClose() {
const { contentEl } = this;

class SlurpSettingsTab extends PluginSettingTab {
plugin: SlurpPlugin;

constructor(app: App, plugin: SlurpPlugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;

display(): void {

const { containerEl } = this;


new Setting(containerEl).setName('Properties').setHeading();

new Setting(containerEl)
.setName('Show empty properties')
.setDesc("Should Slurp add all note properties even if they are empty?")
.addToggle((toggle) => toggle
.onChange(async (val) => {
this.plugin.settings.showEmptyProps = val;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();

const onValidate = (props: SlurpProp<any>[]) => {
console.log("onValidate called");
// update existing
const modKeys = => {
//Object.keys(prop).forEach((key) => console.log(`new: ${prop[key]}, curr: ${this.plugin.slurpProps[][key]}`));
this.plugin.slurpProps[] = prop

// delete keys no longer present
Object.keys(this.plugin.slurpProps).map((id) => modKeys
.contains(id) ? null : id).filter((id) => id !== null).map((id) => {
if (id) {
delete this.plugin.settings.propSettings[id];
delete this.plugin.slurpProps[id];


new NotePropSettingList({
target: this.containerEl, props: {
props: Object.values<SlurpProp<any>>(
SlurpProp.fromSettings(this.plugin.settings.propSettings, DEFAULT_SLURP_PROPS)),
onValidate: (props: SlurpProp<any>[]) => onValidate(props)

new Setting(containerEl).setName('Tags').setHeading();

new Setting(containerEl)
.setName('Parse tags')
.setDesc("Use the tags and keywords discovered in slurped page metadata? " +
"WARNING: May result in a large number of new tags, prefixes are highly recommended. " +
"Some sites put entire sentences into the fields meant for comma-separated keywords. " +
"Yes,, I'm talking about you. ")
.addToggle((toggle) => toggle
.onChange(async (val) => {
this.plugin.settings.parseTags = val;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();

new Setting(containerEl)
.setName('Tag prefix')
.setDesc("Apply this prefix to all tags.")
.addText((text) => text
.onChange(async (val) => {
this.plugin.settings.tagPrefix = val;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();

const tagCaseOptions: Record<TagCase, TagCase> = TAG_CASES.reduce((acc, cur) => {
acc[cur] = cur;
return acc;
}, {} as Record<TagCase, TagCase>);

new Setting(containerEl)
.setName('Tag case')
.setDesc("Format multi-word tags using this style. iKebab-case will replace spaces with hyphens without changing case.")
.addDropdown((dropdown) => dropdown
// @ts-ignore
.onChange(async (val: TagCase) => {
this.plugin.settings.tagCase = val;
await this.plugin.saveSettings();

// new Setting(containerEl).setName('Advanced').setHeading();
// new Setting(containerEl)
// .setName("Debug mode")
// .setDesc("Write debug messages to console and slurp.log.")
// .addToggle((toggle) => toggle
// .setValue(this.plugin.settings.debug)
// .onChange(async (val) => {
// this.plugin.settings.debug = val;
// await this.plugin.saveSettings();
// })
// );

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