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Ceph cluster installation (jewel on CentOS)

Marica Antonacci edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

Ceph cluster installation (jewel)

This tutorial has been prepared for the course "Cloud Storage Solutions" organized by INFN-BARI. Participants are divided in groups of 2 persons.


Each group can access 4 nodes:

  • 1 admin node: deploy, mon, mds, rgw
  • 3 osd nodes

The hostnames of the nodes include the group number, e.g. participants of group 1 will use the following nodes:

  • ceph-adm-1
  • ceph-node1-1
  • ceph-node2-1
  • ceph-node3-1

In the following sections, the variable GN refers to the group number.


On each node

  • (skip this step if the nodes are registered in DNS) edit the file /etc/hosts:

    x.x.x.x ceph-adm-$GN 
    y.y.y.y ceph-node1-$GN
    z.z.z.z ceph-node2-$GN

    w.w.w.w ceph-node3-$GN   
  • create the user ceph-deploy and set the password:
sudo useradd -d /home/ceph-deploy -m ceph-deploy
sudo passwd ceph-deploy
  • provide full privileges to the user adding the following line to /etc/sudoers.d/ceph: echo "ceph-deploy ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/ceph echo "Defaults:ceph-deploy !requiretty" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/ceph

And change permissions in this way: sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/ceph

On the admin node:

  • configure your admin node with password-less SSH access to each node running Ceph daemons (leave the passphrase empty). On your admin node node01, become ceph user and generate the ssh key:
# su - ceph-deploy
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

You will have output like this:

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ceph-deploy/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Created directory '/home/ceph-deploy/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/ceph-deploy/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/ceph-deploy/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
6a:c9:f5:26:c5:6d:35:70:b7:76:07:70:ac:97:78:a6 ceph-deploy@node-0
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|            oo+ .|
|             +.o.|
|             oo+o|
|         . .o.*.o|
|        S o o=   |
|     . + o .E    |
|      = . o      |
|     .   o       |
|                 |

Copy the key to each cluster node and test the password-less access:

ssh-copy-id ceph-deploy@ceph-node1-$GN

ssh-copy-id ceph-deploy@ceph-node2-$GN

ssh-copy-id ceph-deploy@ceph-node3-$GN

In case the remote login via password is disabled, copy paste the content of the file /home/ceph-deploy/.ssh/ that resides on the admin node into the file /home/ceph-deploy/.ssh/authorized_keys of the other nodes (you should create the .ssh dir).

Set SELinux to Permissive:

sudo setenforce 0

Start installation

On the admin node:

sudo yum install -y yum-utils && sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo && sudo yum install --nogpgcheck -y epel-release && sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 && sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/*

Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo:

name=Ceph noarch packages

Update your repository and install ceph-deploy:

sudo yum update && sudo yum install ceph-deploy

Create a directory on your admin node node for maintaining the configuration files and keys

mkdir cluster-ceph
cd cluster-ceph

Create the cluster:

ceph-deploy new ceph-adm-$GN

Add the following line in ceph.conf [global]:

osd pool default size = 3

Install ceph:

ceph-deploy install --release jewel ceph-adm-$GN ceph-node1-$GN ceph-node2-$GN ceph-node3-$GN

Add the initial monitor(s) and gather the keys:

ceph-deploy mon create-initial
ceph-deploy@ceph-adm-0:~/cluster-ceph$ ll
total 204
drwxrwxr-x 2 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy   4096 Sep 28 09:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy   4096 Sep 28 09:20 ../
-rw------- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy     71 Sep 28 09:44 ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring
-rw------- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy     71 Sep 28 09:44 ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring
-rw------- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy     71 Sep 28 09:44 ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring
-rw------- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy     63 Sep 28 09:44 ceph.client.admin.keyring
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy    227 Sep 28 09:20 ceph.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy 164928 Sep 28 09:44 ceph-deploy-ceph.log
-rw------- 1 ceph-deploy ceph-deploy     73 Sep 28 09:19 ceph.mon.keyring
-rw-r--r-- 1 root        root          1645 Oct 15  2015 release.asc

Check the disks that will be used for the OSDs:

ceph-deploy disk list ceph-node1-$GN
ceph-deploy disk list ceph-node2-$GN
ceph-deploy disk list ceph-node3-$GN

Create the OSDs on ceph-node1, ceph-node2 and ceph-node3 (vdb device):

ceph-deploy osd create ceph-node1-$GN:vdb ceph-node2-$GN:vdb ceph-node3-$GN:vdb 

Use ceph-deploy to copy the configuration file and admin key to your admin node and your Ceph Nodes so that you can use the ceph CLI without having to specify the monitor address and ceph.client.admin.keyring each time you execute a command:

ceph-deploy admin ceph-adm-$GN ceph-node1-$GN ceph-node2-$GN ceph-node3-$GN

Ensure that you have the correct permissions for the ceph.client.admin.keyring.

sudo chmod +r /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring

Now you can check the status of your cluster using the following command:

ceph -s

The output should look like this:

ceph-deploy@ceph-adm-0:~/cluster-ceph$ ceph -s
    cluster 72766f71-c301-4352-8389-2fdfdee8333a
     health HEALTH_OK
     monmap e1: 1 mons at {ceph-adm-0=}
            election epoch 3, quorum 0 ceph-adm-0
     osdmap e14: 3 osds: 3 up, 3 in
            flags sortbitwise
      pgmap v46: 64 pgs, 1 pools, 0 bytes data, 0 objects
            100 MB used, 76658 MB / 76759 MB avail
                  64 active+clean

Check the cluster's hierarchy:

ceph osd tree

Example output:

ceph-deploy@ceph-adm-0:~/cluster-ceph$ ceph osd tree
-1 0.07320 root default                                            
-2 0.02440     host ceph-node1-0                                   
 0 0.02440         osd.0              up  1.00000          1.00000 
-3 0.02440     host ceph-node2-0                                   
 1 0.02440         osd.1              up  1.00000          1.00000 
-4 0.02440     host ceph-node3-0                                   
 2 0.02440         osd.2              up  1.00000          1.00000 

Get information about the pools:

ceph osd dump |grep pool

Example output:

pool 0 'rbd' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_ruleset 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 64 pgp_num 64 last_change 1 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0

Add the metadata server:

ceph-deploy mds create ceph-adm-$GN

Check the mds status:

ceph mds stat

You should see something like that:

ceph-deploy@ceph-adm-0:~/cluster-ceph$ ceph mds stat
e2:, 1 up:standby

A Ceph filesystem requires at least two RADOS pools, one for data and one for metadata.

ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 64
ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 64

Once the pools are created, you may enable the filesystem using the fs new command:

ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data

Once a filesystem has been created, the MDS will be able to enter an active state. Check again its status:

ceph mds stat

You will see the mds in active state like this:

ceph-deploy@ceph-adm-0:~/cluster-ceph$ ceph mds stat
e5: 1/1/1 up {0=ceph-adm-0=up:active}

Add the RADOS GW:

ceph-deploy rgw create ceph-adm-$GN

Basic Usage


Try to store one file into "data" pool (create it if it does not exist) using a command like this:

rados put {object-name} {file-path} --pool=data

Do this command to check if the file has been stored into the pool "data":

rados ls -p data

You can identify the object location with: ceph osd map {pool-name} {object-name}


We will use the rbd pool which was created during the cluster installation. Create a new image of size 1 GB:

rbd create --size 1024 testimg

List the rbd images:

rbd ls

Show detailed information on a specific image:

rbd info testimg


To mount ceph FS with FUSE, first install ceph-fuse with the command

sudo apt-get install ceph-fuse

and then mount it, running:

sudo ceph-fuse -m {monitor_hostname:6789} {mount_point_path}

Note1: You can get the IP of one of the Ceph monitors:

ceph mon stat

Note2: the mount_point_path must exist before you can mount the ceph filesystem. In our case the mountpoint is the directory /ceph-fs that we create with

sudo mkdir /ceph-fs