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imstevenpmwork committed Aug 30, 2021
1 parent c721d50 commit d1c6d3b
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Homography-based visual odometry/.idea/.gitignore

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Homography-based visual odometry/.idea/LAB3.iml

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Homography-based visual odometry/.idea/misc.xml

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72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions Homography-based visual odometry/Code/
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import cv2
import numpy as np
from visual_odometry import VisualOdometry

def draw_coord_sys(coord_sys: np.ndarray, frame: np.ndarray, mat_rot: np.ndarray, trans: np.ndarray,
mat_cam: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Draw a coordinate system on a frame
:param coord_sys: [4x3] 1 point on x, 1 point on y, 1 point on z, origin, expressed in the world frame
:param frame: image to draw on
:param mat_rot: rotation matrix. This matrix together with trans constitute the mapping from world frame to camera frame
:param trans: translation vector
:param mat_cam: camera's intrinsic matrix
# convert rotation matrix to rotation vector
vec_rot, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(mat_rot)
# project points onto current frame
proj_pts, _ = cv2.projectPoints(coord_sys, vec_rot, trans, mat_cam, (0, 0, 0, 0))
proj_pts = proj_pts.astype(int)
frame = cv2.arrowedLine(frame, tuple(proj_pts[3].ravel()), tuple(proj_pts[0].ravel()), (255, 0, 0), 3)
frame = cv2.arrowedLine(frame, tuple(proj_pts[3].ravel()), tuple(proj_pts[1].ravel()), (0, 255, 0), 3)
frame = cv2.arrowedLine(frame, tuple(proj_pts[3].ravel()), tuple(proj_pts[2].ravel()), (0, 0, 255), 3)
return frame

def main(video_path: str = ''):
vo = VisualOdometry([684.169232, 680.105767, 365.163397, 292.358876])
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('../Materials/armen.mp4')

# define plane's local frame in 1st camera frame
axes_size = .1
ax_x = vo.c0_M_p[:, :3] @ np.array([[axes_size, 0, 0]]).T + vo.plane_origin_src
ax_y = vo.c0_M_p[:, :3] @ np.array([[0, axes_size, 0]]).T + vo.plane_origin_src
ax_z = vo.c0_M_p[:, :3] @ np.array([[0, 0, axes_size]]).T + vo.plane_origin_src
plane_in_c0 = np.vstack((ax_x.T, ax_y.T, ax_z.T, vo.plane_origin_src.T)) # <4, 3>

# to record video
if video_path != '':
width, height = int(cap.get(3)), int(cap.get(4))
out = cv2.VideoWriter('vo_result.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 10, (width, height))

i = 0
while cap.isOpened():
_, frame =
if frame is None:

print('\n---------- Frame {} begins ----------'.format(i))

incoming_M_c0 =, update_src_frame=True)
if incoming_M_c0.size > 0:
# vo produces a solution
frame = draw_coord_sys(plane_in_c0, frame, incoming_M_c0[:3, :3], incoming_M_c0[:3, 3], vo.camera_intrinsic)

print('---------- Frame {} ends ----------\n'.format(i))

cv2.imshow('current frame', frame)
if video_path != '':
if cv2.waitKey(50) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
i += 1

if video_path != '':

if __name__ == '__main__':
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions Homography-based visual odometry/Code/
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import numpy as np
import cv2
from typing import List, Tuple

def homogenized(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Convert a matrix whose rows represent a coordinate (2D or 3D) into homogeneous form
:param x: <num_points, num_dimension>
assert len(x.shape) == 2, 'input must be a matrix'
return np.concatenate((x, np.ones((x.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

class VisualOdometry:
def __init__(self, camera_intrinsic: List):
Constructor of visual odometry class
:param camera_intrinsic: [px, py, u0, v0]
self.print_info = True
self.camera_intrinsic = np.array([
[camera_intrinsic[0], 0, camera_intrinsic[2]],
[0, camera_intrinsic[1], camera_intrinsic[3]],
[0, 0, 1]
self.inv_K = np.linalg.inv(self.camera_intrinsic) # cache inv of camera intrinsic to increase speed

self.orb = cv2.ORB_create() # key pts detector
self.matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) # key pts matcher
self.src_kpts: List[cv2.KeyPoint] = [] # key pts in source frame
self.src_desc: List[np.ndarray] = [] # descriptors of key pts in source frame
self.incoming_kpts: List[cv2.KeyPoint] = [] # key pts in incoming frame
self.incoming_desc: List[np.ndarray] = [] # descriptors of key pts in incoming frame

self.homography_min_correspondences = 10 # need at least 4, but 10 provides better result
self.homography_ransac_threshold = 5 # reprojection error threshold used in RANSAC

self.plane_d_src = -1 # distance from plane to src frame
# guess of plane's pose in the 1st camera's frame assuming plane & 1st camera have the same x-axis
alpha = np.deg2rad(0) # to tune to get nicer visualization
self.c0_M_p = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, -0.1],
[0, np.cos(alpha), -np.sin(alpha), -0.1],
[0, np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha), 0.7],
self.plane_normal_src = self.c0_M_p[:, 2].reshape(-1, 1) # plane's normal vector expressed in src frame
self.plane_origin_src = self.c0_M_p[:, 3].reshape(-1, 1) # origin of plane frame expressed in src frame

self.src_M_c0 = np.eye(4) # mapping from 1st camera frame to src frame

def find_matches(self, incoming_frame: np.ndarray) -> List[cv2.DMatch]:
Find matches between key pts in incoming frame and those in src frame
:param incoming_frame: <int: height, width, 3>
:return: matches
# convert incoming frame to gray scale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(incoming_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # TODO

# if this is the first frame, assign computed kpts to src and return an empty list
if not self.src_kpts:
self.src_kpts, self.src_desc = self.orb.detectAndCompute(gray,None) # TODO
return []
# find matches between incoming kpts and src kpts
self.incoming_kpts, self.incoming_desc = self.orb.detectAndCompute(gray,None) # TODO
matches = self.matcher.match(self.src_desc,self.incoming_desc) # TODO
return matches

def compute_relative_transform(self, matches: List[cv2.DMatch], update_src_frame: bool) -> \
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the transformation that maps points from src frame to incoming frame
:param matches: list of matched kpts between incoming frame and src frame
:param update_src_frame: whether to replace src frame by incoming frame by the end of computation
:return: (incoming_M_src <float: 4, 4>, normal <float: 3, 1>)
if len(matches) < self.homography_min_correspondences:
print('\t[WARN] Not enough correspondences to compute homography')
return np.array([]), np.array([])

# extract matched key pts & put them in the order of the "matches" list
src_pts = np.array([self.src_kpts[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches]).reshape((-1, 2)) # <num_pts, 2>
incoming_pts = np.array([self.incoming_kpts[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches]).reshape((-1, 2)) # <num_pts, 2>

# compute homography
mat_H, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts,incoming_pts, cv2.RANSAC, self.homography_ransac_threshold) # TODO

# get inliers (with respect to the homography found above) in src_pts
inliers = list(map(bool, mask.ravel().tolist()))
src_pts = src_pts[inliers, :] # <num_inliers, 2>
src_pts_homo = homogenized(src_pts) # convert src_pts into homogeneous coordinate <num_inliers, 3>
# compute normalized coordinate of inliers
src_pts_normalized = (self.inv_K @ src_pts_homo.T).T # TODO: result should have the shape of <num_inliers, 3>

# decompose homography to get (R, t, n)
num_candidates, rots, trans, normals = cv2.decomposeHomographyMat(mat_H, self.camera_intrinsic) # TODO
if self.print_info:
print('decomposition of homography yields {} candidates'.format(num_candidates))
if rots:
print('\t rots ({}), rots[0] is {}'.format(type(rots), rots[0].shape))
print('\t trans ({}), trans[0] is {}'.format(type(trans), trans[0].shape))
print('\t normals ({}), normals[0] is {}'.format(type(normals), normals[0].shape))

if num_candidates > 1:
# for each candidate, compute depth for evey inlier & prune the candidate if >= 1 inlier has negative depth
pruned_candidate_indices = []
for i, n in enumerate(normals):
# compute ratio of d/z for every inlier
d_over_z = src_pts_normalized @ n # TODO: result should be an array of <float: num_inliers>
# check if any ratio is negative
is_valid = np.all(d_over_z > 0) # TODO: True if every inlier has positive depth, False otherwise
if not is_valid:
if self.print_info:
print('candidate {}, num pts have negative z: {}'.format(i, np.sum(d_over_z < 0)))

# prune invalid candidate
for i in reversed(pruned_candidate_indices):
# delete candidates from the highest index to the smallest
del rots[i]
del trans[i]
del normals[i]
if self.print_info and pruned_candidate_indices:
print('\t after pruning, {} candidates left'.format(len(rots)))

if len(rots) > 1:
assert len(rots) == 2, 'After pruning solution gives negative z, still have more than 1 candidate'
angle_0 = np.arccos([0].T,self.plane_normal_src)) # TODO: compute angle between 1st candidate of normal vector with self.plane_normal_src
angle_1 = np.arccos([1].T,self.plane_normal_src)) # TODO: compute angle between 2nd candidate of normal vector with self.plane_normal_src
del_idx = 0 if angle_0 > angle_1 else 1
del rots[del_idx]
del trans[del_idx]
del normals[del_idx]

# check if any candidate survive after pruning
if rots:
# check if plane's distance to src frame has been initialized, if not compute it
if self.plane_d_src < 0:
if self.print_info:
print('initialize plane distance to src frame')
self.plane_d_src = normals[0].T @ self.plane_origin_src # TODO: compute distance from the 1st camera frame C0 to the plane
assert self.plane_d_src > 0, 'plane distance to src frame must be positive'

# scale the translation using plane's distance to src frame
trans[0] = trans[0]*self.plane_d_src # TODO: scale the translation vector with self.plane_d_src

# build transformation from src frame to incoming frame
# TODO create the transformation matrix from src camera frame to
incoming_M_src = np.eye(4)
incoming_M_src[:3, :3] = rots[0]
incoming_M_src[:3,3] = trans[0].flatten() # 3x1
# TODO: (continue) incoming camera frame using trans[0] and rots[0]

if update_src_frame:
# replace src key pts & descriptors with those of incoming frame
self.src_kpts = self.incoming_kpts # TODO
self.src_desc = self.incoming_desc # TODO

# map the plane's normal from src frame to incoming frame
self.plane_normal_src = rots[0] @ self.plane_normal_src # TODO

# find depth of every inliers (w.r.t homography found above)
d_over_z = src_pts_normalized @ normals[0] # TODO: result should be an array of <float: num_inliers>
depth = 1/d_over_z * self.plane_d_src # TODO: compute depth of inlier using d and normalize coordinate, result should be
# TODO: (continue) an array of <float: num_inliers,>

# find 3D coordinate in src frame of these inliers
src_pts_3d = src_pts_normalized * depth # TODO: compute 3d coordinate in src camera frame for every inlier,
# TODO: (continue) result should be a matrix of shape <num_inliers, 3>

# map these points to incoming frame
incoming_pts_3d = (rots[0] @ src_pts_3d.T).T + trans[0].T # TODO: result should have shape <num_inliers, 3>

# compute new d by averaging projection of every point onto plane's normal vector
self.plane_d_src = np.mean(incoming_pts_3d @ normals[0]) # TODO

return incoming_M_src, normals[0]
# no candidate survives, return empty matrix
return np.array([]), np.array([])

def run(self, incoming_frame: np.ndarray, update_src_frame: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Main function for visual odometry which computes the mapping from the 1st camera frame to incoming frame
:param incoming_frame: <np.uint8: height, width, 3>
:param update_src_frame: whether to update src frame
:return: incoming_M_c0 <np.float: 4, 4>
matches = self.find_matches(incoming_frame)
if not matches:
# there are no matches between key pts in incoming frame & src frame
return np.array([])

incoming_M_src, normal = self.compute_relative_transform(matches, update_src_frame)

if incoming_M_src.size == 0:
# there is no solution, due to lack of matches or all candidates are pruned
return np.array([])
# has solution
# compute transformation from c0 to incoming frame
incoming_M_c0 = incoming_M_src @ self.src_M_c0
if self.print_info:
print('rot: \n', incoming_M_c0[:3, :3])
print('trans: \n', incoming_M_c0[:3, 3])
print('normal: \n', normal.flatten())
if update_src_frame:
# update the mapping from 1st camera frame (c0) to src (by replacing src with incoming)
self.src_M_c0 = incoming_M_c0 # TODO
return incoming_M_c0
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