Utility for remapping key names of an object shallowly and depply nested too, that supports currying for partial application.
It embraces functional programming not mutating its entry, but returning a new object that maintains the original prototype chain and properties enumerables or not, respecting referential transparency.
$ npm install curry-remap-keys --save
const { remapKeys } = require('curry-remap-keys')
// As ES6 Module
import { remapKeys } from 'curry-remap-keys'
const user = {
user_id: '9e947a10-af08-11e8-9b04-d3ce91a97e8d',
order_id: 'aa4025d0-af08-11e8-9215-1106c9538c60',
productName: 'The best notebook of the whole world',
qty: '1'
const remapping = {
user_id: 'userId',
order_id: 'orderId'
const remappedUser = remapKeys(remapping, user)
// {
// userId: '9e947a10-af08-11e8-9b04-d3ce91a97e8d',
// orderId: 'aa4025d0-af08-11e8-9215-1106c9538c60',
// productName: 'The best notebook of the whole world',
// qty: '1'
// }
This will follow or create the necessary key names that fulfills the supplied path.
const { remapKeys } = require('curry-remap-keys')
// As ES6 Module
import { remapKeys } from 'curry-remap-keys'
const user = {
user_id: '9e947a10-af08-11e8-9b04-d3ce91a97e8d',
order_id: 'aa4025d0-af08-11e8-9215-1106c9538c60',
productName: 'The best notebook of the whole world',
qty: '1',
billingInfo: {
locationInfo: {
billing_address: '1368 Meadowbrook Mall Road',
city: 'Los Angeles, CA',
zip: '90017'
customerInfo: {
interested_in: ['notebooks', 'smartphones', 'smart tv'],
isOneTimeBuyer: false
const remapping = {
user_id: 'userId',
billing_address: ['billingAddress', ['billingInfo', 'locationInfo']],
// Natural point notation for path to nested key also supported like...
// billing_address: ['billingAddress', 'billingInfo.locationInfo'],
interested_in: ['interestedIn', ['customerInfo']]
const remappedUser = remapKeys(remapping, user)
// {
// userId: '9e947a10-af08-11e8-9b04-d3ce91a97e8d',
// order_id: 'aa4025d0-af08-11e8-9215-1106c9538c60',
// productName: 'The best notebook of the whole world',
// qty: '1',
// billingInfo: {
// locationInfo: {
// billingAddress: '1368 Meadowbrook Mall Road',
// city: 'Los Angeles, CA',
// zip: '90017'
// }
// },
// customerInfo: {
// interestedIn: ['notebooks', 'smartphones', 'smart tv'],
// isOneTimeBuyer: false
// }
// }
const { remapKeys } = require('curry-remap-keys')
// As ES6 Module
import { remapKeys } from 'curry-remap-keys'
// Same user and remapping object as above
// Partially apply remapKeys for reusing
const userRemapper = remapKeys(remapping)
// {
// userId: '9e947a10-af08-11e8-9b04-d3ce91a97e8d',
// orderId: 'aa4025d0-af08-11e8-9215-1106c9538c60',
// productName: 'The best notebook of the whole world',
// qty: '1'
// }
Copyright © 2018, José Antonio Reyes. Released under the MIT License.