WSO2 BPMN Rule Task provides features for executing Drools rules in WSO2 Enterprise Integrator(EI)/BPS in BPMN process work flows. It has been implemented using a BPMN service task and the Drools files are designed to be managed in BPS registry.
Clone this repository and build it using maven:
git clone mvn clean install
Copy the following JAR files to the lib/ directory of the WSO2 EI/BPS server:
cp target/bpmn-rule-task-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/dropins/ cp target/dependency/drools-compiler-6.0.1.Final.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/lib/ cp target/dependency/drools-core-6.0.1.Final.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/lib/ cp target/dependency/kie-api-6.0.1.Final.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/lib/ cp target/dependency/kie-internal-6.0.1.Final.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/lib/ cp target/dependency/mvel2-2.1.8.Final.jar ${WSO2_EI_HOME}/lib/
Implement a BPMN process work flow using WSO2 Developer Studio and add a service task to it. Then click on the service task and add the following class name under main config:
Upload a Drools rule file to WSO2 EI/BPS registry path
using the Carbon console:package com.sample global String var1; global Integer var2; rule "Rule 1" when value: Object (true) then System.out.println( "Fact: " + value); System.out.println( "var1: " + var1); System.out.println( "var2: " + var2); end
Provide its resource path using a documentation field in the above service task with the name drlRegPath as follows:
drlRegPath = conf:/rules/sample.drl
Now define required global variables of the Drools rule file using the prefix
and facts usingfact_
as follows: -
Generate the deployment artifact of the above BPMN process work flow and deploy it in WSO2 EI/BPS server.
Once deployed, invoke the process flow using the BPMN explorer.