Parser for xls formatted schedule at Cracow Univiersity of Technology (CUT)
The page with callendars is currently available at
An CI action runs every two hours to ensure the data is up-to date and automatically deploys updated calendars as needed
Basic knowledge of python tooling including virtual environment (venv) management is required.
It is recommended to use a venv and run the code in there
or install dependencies globally with package manager, if on Linux
Currently used dependencies:
- BeautifulSoup4
- Arch: python-beautifulsoup4
- Ubuntu: python3-bs4
- Fedora: python3-beautifulsoup4
- requests
- Arch: python-requests
- Ubuntu: python3-requests
- Fedora: python3-requests
- xlrd
- Arch: python-xlrd
- Ubuntu: python3-xlrd
- Ubuntu: python3-xlrd
- icalendar
- Arch - python-icalendar
- Ubuntu - python3-icalendar
- Fedora - python3-icalendar
Create venv
python -m venv venv
Activate it
. venv/bin/activate # Unix
.\venv\scripts\activate # Windows
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the code
The build/
directory will contain all necessary files for hosting