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🛠️ Increment Version on Merge

Create Multiple Tags Action

Creates or updates tags. Easily generate additional major v1 and latest tags.

  • The source tag cannot be associated with a pre-releases.
  • The target tags cannot be assigned to a release. Howerver, this restriction can be overrided.
  • To generate a major release like v1, use instead im-open/create-release.

Generally used in workflows that maintain GitHub Actions and Terraform Modules



Parameter Is Required Default Description
github-token true Token required to get an authenticated Octokit.
sha false SHA to reference by the target-tag and additional-target-tags. If not provided, gets the referenced SHA from the source-tag or defaults to the current context`s SHA.
source-tag false Tag to reference when generating the target tag(s). The sha will override the source-tag. The tag cannot have an associated pre-release
target-tag false Tag to create based off of the source-tag or sha. The tag cannot have an associated release.
additional-target-tags false List of tags to create based off of the source-tag or sha.
include-major false true Create a tag of just the major from the source-tag. v1.2.3 = v1
include-major-minor false false Create a tag of just the major and minor from the source-tag. v1.2.3 = v1
include-latest false false Create a tag named latest
force-target false false Overwrite the target-tag if it already exists
force-additional-targets false true Overwrite the target tags in the additional-taget-tags input if it already exists
fail-on-invalid-version false true Forces semver validation check on the source-tag and target-tag
fail-on-associated-release false true Do not allow a target tags to reference a release

Additional inputs can be found on the action definition


Output Description
tags comma-seperated list of tags created or updated
sha sha used to create the tag(s)
major-tag major versioned tag created or updated
major-minor-tag major and minor versioned tag created or updated



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create various tags from current context's SHA
        uses: im-open/create-tags-action@v1
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          target-tag: v1.2.3
          additional-target-tags: | # by default ovewrites these tags if already exist
          include-major: true
          include-latest: true
          force-target: true # overwrites v1.2.3 if it already exists

  # Creates tag based on the current context`s sha:
  # v1.2.3, v1, latest, mine, yours

With git-version-lite

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Increment the version
        uses: im-open/git-version-lite@v2
        id: version
          create-ref: true
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          default-release-type: major

      # Generates a next version of v1.2.3

      - name: Create Major and Latest tags that reference the same SHA as the main tag
        uses: im-open/create-tags-action@v1
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          sha: ${{ steps.version.outputs.NEXT_VERSION_SHA }}
          source-tag: ${{ steps.version.outputs.NEXT_VERSION }}
          include-major: true
          include-latest: false

  # Creates tag based off of the sha from git-version-lite:
  # v1, latest

See workflow automated test for more examples


When creating new PRs please ensure:

  1. The action has been recompiled. See the Recompiling section below for more details.
  2. For major or minor changes, at least one of the commit messages contains the appropriate +semver: keywords listed under Incrementing the Version.
  3. The example has been updated with the new version. See Incrementing the Version.
  4. The action code does not contain sensitive information.


If changes are made to the action`s code in this repository, or its dependencies, you will need to re-compile the action.

# Installs dependencies and bundles the code
npm start

# Bundle the code (if dependencies are already installed)
npm run build

These commands utilize esbuild to bundle the action and its dependencies into a single file located in the dist folder.

Incrementing the Version

This action uses git-version-lite to examine commit messages to determine whether to perform a major, minor or patch increment on merge. The following table provides the fragment that should be included in a commit message to active different increment strategies.

Increment Type Commit Message Fragment
major +semver:breaking
major +semver:major
minor +semver:feature
minor +semver:minor
patch default increment type, no comment needed

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the im-open`s Code of Conduct.


Copyright © 2022, Extend Health, LLC. Code released under the MIT license.