Hello, I'm Ilia Dmittriev 👋 I'm from Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺
I'm a professional fullstack software engineer and leader with more than 15 years of experience.
My personal priorities is web and mobile development. Worked my way from software engineer to chief technology officer. I built IT companies and teams from scratch.
Now I work at position of CTO, at unicom24.ru
As an engineer I use for my projects
- Python3 stack: Python3, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Pydantic, aiohttp, Django, Django Rest Framwork, Marshmallow
- Golang stack: go-chi, gin-gonic, godotenv, gofiber, gorm, database/sql, goose, sqlc, golang-migrate, gjson, validator, golang-jwt, slog, mockery, testify
- Frontend: JS, TS, Vue, Vue-Router, Vuex, NuxtJS, Vuetify, React, Redux, NextJS, Bootstrap, MUI, Webpack
- ML: pytorch, tensorflow, scikit-learn, numpy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn
Some of my projects:
I'm an ideologist of microservices architecture (Docker, Kubernetes)
Have confident skills with RabbitMQ, Kafka, ClickHouse, MySQL, redis, MongoDB, elasticsearch
I prefer Postgresql as RDBMS (HA, Patroni, pgBouncer, backups, sync/async stream replications, query optimization, CTE, Window Functions, PL/pgSQL, jsonb).
Implemented several iOS applications using swift, storyboard, UIKit, MapKit, AVKit, 3rd parity SDKs and APIs