Forked from: https://github.com/web-push-libs/webpush-java
MIT LicenseFor study - I use minified code, with minimal library dependencies.
Original code was used mostly as example of bouncy castle API usage.
Almost all code modified and build according webpush-go algorithm. -
Used Bouncy Castle Crypto library
MIT License -
Message encryption and vapid algorithm verified with:
MIT Licence
For production use better HTTP client (not HttpsURLConnection).
See for example original: https://github.com/web-push-libs/webpush-java
Please read tutorial: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications/subscribing-a-user
Generate VAPID server key (the keys can be generated via https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push)
Set your VAPID server keys into file: c:\webpush-java\src\main\resources\server.properties
Create javascript service worker and create web-push subscription.
Copy from subscription object endpoint, p256dh and auth values to file: c:\webpush-java\subscription.properties
- java (>= JDK 1.8)
- gradle
Build project: gradle build
Run example: gradle run --args="Hello Web Push !" The example send notification to Google (or Mozilla) server and then to your browser.