jpms-deps is an internal JPMS-compliant library which makes non-JPMS compliant modules accessible to Komet and Tinkar Core.
Automation Team
Follow the instructions below to set up the local environment for jpms-deps
Download and install Open JDK Java 21
Download and install Apache Maven 3.9 or greater
Prior to building jpms-deps, this repository requires access to the Java parent artifact
This repository must be built in a specific order, so closely adhere to the instructions below to prevent errors
Follow the steps below to build and run jpms-deps
on your local machine:
Clone the jpms-deps repository from GitHub to your local machine
Change local directory to location to
Build each folder individually using the following command:
mvn -f [Folder Name] clean install
Adhere to the following folder list for build order:
activej-common activej-bytebuf auto-service caffeine eclipse-collections-api eclipse-collections guava javax-inject jheaps jsr305 lucene-core lucene-memory lucene-queries lucene-highlighter lucene-queryparser lucene-sandbox lucene-uber reactive-streams smallrye-common-annotation mutiny mvstore ontology-model protobuf-java record-builder-core roaringbitmap snorocket chronicle-map
Technical and non-technical issues can be reported to the Issue Tracker.
Contributions can be submitted via pull requests. Please check the contribution guide for more details.