- This template needs XeLaTeX to compile.
- We use Liberation(tm) Fonts font family. Version 2.00.1 of the typefaces is bundled in this package.
❗ Please Note: font loading from external files requires pretty new version of TeX environment. MacTeX & Tex Live from 2012 year should work fine. Check out the guide on how to install on Ubuntu 12.04. No status on MikTeX compatibility is available yet.
master - contains basic template for thesis.
summery - reduced template suitable for summeries.
summery-light - a minimal template used for a kind of semi-summery papers that do not require table of contents and bibliography.
- OS X: MacTeX
- Linux: TeX should be available in your package manager, otherwise use TeX Live
- Windows: MikTeX
📝 You can use whatever editor & compiler you want off course, but if you have just discovered TeX ecosystem and do not know where to start, I can recommend the Texmaker.
Note that you can build PDF just by running
in a project directory.