My name is Ignacio Tampe (He/Him), and I'm a software engineer from the little island of Puerto Rico. I've got quite a few projects here, coded in C#, ReactJS, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and Java. I've come a long way since I started working on small little batch files, now a junior Software Engineer. I've learned a lot in Java, C#, and especially ReactJS. It's quite something to go from a Backend Engineer and suddenly seeing projects with more frontend than backend. Still, there's always more to learn, and I'm eager to continue growing and utilizing my skills in my personal time, and at work.
I've got several projects varying widely in subject, and most of my works are licensed under CC0. If you see something you could use amongst my code, don't hesitate to grab it! I'd appreciate a little note to tell me that you've used it, but you don't need to do that.
I'm eager to help, and am always looking for a new challenge! If you've got something for me, don't hesitate to send me an email.