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Nodejs Express Joi starter with Swagger


A boilerplate for nodejs api based on express with Joi validator and swagger

There are a lot of boilerplates node api can be found today. But I wasn't be able to find boilerplate on express with validation and documentation at once. I prepared all in one starter. I hope this will help someone.


This is a boilerplate of REST API on Nodejs based on Express with Joi validator and Swagger documentation. Code based on ES6, async/await and as a consequence requires Node version >= 7.6. For example was implemented CRUD for User model and authentication using JWT token. Also user session with JWT token stored in db. The root of api is swagger ui based on swagger.json. It can be made using npm run yaml2json. Package yaml2json should be installed globally npm install -g yaml2json.

Getting Started

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Change directory
cd node-express-joi-starter

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Start it in simple mode
npm start

# Start in dev mode using nodemoon
npm run dev

Project Structure


Mongoose models contains Joi validators and some plugins. Plugins:


For mongoose models should be used validate object with keys params, body or query for validity appropriate request parts. For each controllers should be defined validate method which should be used with celebrate middleware in app.js.


At first should be corrected swagger.yaml file according to needed models. After should do npm run yaml2json and swagger.json is ready

Environment Variables

  • MONGODB_URI - mongodb connection string
  • JWT_SECRET - Your JWT secret
  • SESSION_EXP - Session and JWT token lifetime in second


CRUD operations for user implemented in test. It contains before method that clear database before tests start. Just npm run test to start it. Test use .env.test environment variables file.



docker-compose up