A tiny library that makes dependency injection with cats-effect simple. This is a follow-up of the article I wrote about the topic.
The traditional approach to dependency injection with cats-effect is to build a single for-comprehension that wires all dependencies together. This approach is not very scalable and can become quite messy as the number of dependencies grows.
The suggested approach with this library would be:
import io.github.cats_effect_simple_di.Allocator
// create a Dependencies object and class that holds all the dependencies:
object Dependencies {
def create(): Resource[IO, Dependencies] =
Allocator.create[IO]().map(new Dependencies(_))
class Dependencies private(allocator: Allocator[IO]) {
// Suppose you need to instantiate a class that returns a Resource[F, A]
// Then you can use the allocator to allocate the resource
lazy val http4sClient: Client[IO] = allocator.allocate {
// Dependencies that don't need to be shut down can be used directly
lazy val myClass: MyClass = new MyClass(http4sClient)
// It also supports dependencies that return an IO
lazy val myDependency: MyDependency = allocator.allocate {
IO(new MyDependency(http4sClient))
// Dependencies will be shut down in the right order
lazy val myServer: Server[IO] = allocator.allocate {
// Use your dependencies in the main app class
object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
override def run: IO[Unit] =
Dependencies.create().use { dependencies =>
// use your exit dependency here
lazy val
solves the problem that dependencies are instantiated only when they are accessed and only one instance is created.Allocator
is a wrapper aroundResource
that keeps track of an order of resource allocation and finalization. So when application is shut down, resources are shut down in the reverse to the order they were initialized.Dependencies
initialization is wrapped in aResource
so that resources are shut down automatically, when the application finishes.
Supported Scala versions: 3.x
To install, add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % Versions.catsEffect,
"io.github.igor-vovk" %% "cats-effect-simple-di" % Versions.simpleDi,
If you want to see the order of initialization and finalization of resources, use LogbackAllocationListener
creating an Allocator
object. This will log the allocation and finalization of resources in the order they happen:
import io.github.cats_effect_simple_di.AllocationLifecycleListener
Allocator.create[IO]().withListener(new LogbackAllocationListener[IO])
You can have multiple dependencies objects and combine them together. In this case, you can either reuse the same
object or create a new one for each dependency object, but wrap their instantiation
in allocator.allocate { ... }
so that they are shut down in the right order:
Example reusing the same Allocator
// AWS - specific dependencies
class AwsDependencies(allocator: Allocator) {
lazy val s3Client: S3Client = allocator.allocate {
// Main application dependencies
object Dependencies {
def create(): Resource[IO, Dependencies] =
Allocator.create[IO]().map(new Dependencies(_))
class Dependencies(allocator: Allocator) {
val aws = new AwsDependencies(allocator)
lazy val http4sClient: Client[IO] = allocator.allocate {
object App extends IOApp.Simple {
override def run: IO[Unit] = Dependencies.create().use { deps =>
// use aws.s3Client here
Example creating a new Allocator
object for each Dependencies
// AWS - specific dependencies
object AwsDependencies {
def create(): Resource[IO, AwsDependencies] =
Allocator.create[IO]().map(new AwsDependencies(_))
class AwsDependencies(allocator: Allocator) {
lazy val s3Client: S3Client = allocator.allocate {
// Main application dependencies
object Dependencies {
def create(): Resource[IO, Dependencies] =
Allocator.create[IO]().map(new Dependencies(_))
class Dependencies(allocator: Allocator[IO]) {
lazy val aws = allocator.allocate {
lazy val http4sClient: Client[IO] = http4sAllocator.allocate {
object App extends IOApp.Simple {
override def run: IO[Unit] = Dependencies.create().use { deps =>
// use aws.s3Client here