Design and Export Leaflet Maps
Leaflet Map Assist is a desktop application built on the Electron framework to allow for interactive designing of Leaflet maps and exporting the web map assets. The application includes markercluster plugin for markers, setting map extent and zoom levels, changing basemaps, support for styling polylines and polygons, setting map titles, and setting tooltips and popups. Exported web maps are responsive and support mobile display.
Supported formats of data include CSV, KML, and GeoJSON. Data must be projected to EPSG:3857. It is highly recommended to prune data to its geographic extent and required attributes.
You can clone/download the project, edit, and build the application yourself with the given package commands in the package.json
If you do not wish to edit or change anything feel free to use the pre-packaged links:
To build the application Node.js is needed.
Download/Clone repository
Install the packages
npm install
Run build command Windows:
npm run package-win
OR Mac:
npm run package-mac
Once building is completed, you should have a new folder with the Electron Application executable ready to use.
Once application is running you should be presented with the following UI:
Maps can be designed by adding data and editing map and layer options:
Furthermore, maps can be exported to the web assets to distribute/host yourself:
Check out your exported Leaflet map in your browser:
For further instructions on the application check out the video: coming soon...
Ignacio E. Carter Cuadra with the help of the other authors of packages used in this project. Project was made as the main project deliverable for MS-GIS program in CSULB.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details