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Puppet module: splunk

This is a Puppet splunk module from the second generation of Example42 Puppet Modules.

Made by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42 -

Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.

Check Modulefile for dependencies.

##= GENERAL USAGE This module installs splunk server or splunk universal forwarder. It uses packages that can be retrieved from It has been tested on version 4.3 but should work also on earlier releases.

Note that you have to specify a package_source if you don't have the relevant packages in your repo(s).

To install Splunk server (searcher, indexer, web interface) via yum/apt:

    class { "splunk":
      install => "server",

To install Universal Forwarder via yum/apt:

    class { "splunk":
      install        => "forwarder", # This is the default, can be omitted 
      forward_server => "", # Use host:port format

To install the Splunk server form a custom url

    class { "splunk":
      install        => "server",
      install_source => "",
      admin_password => "mypassword",

To install the Universal Forwarder from a custom url, setting an admin password and custom local files to forward:

    class { "splunk":
      # install        => "forwarder", # This is the default, can be omitted 
      install_source => "",
      forward_server => "", # Use host:port format
      monitor_path   => [ "/var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out" , "/var/log/apache2/" ],
      admin_password => "!what4wONDErFu!P4ssw0rd",

The variables used in the module can be passed in 2 ways:

  • With the old style "Set variables and include class" pattern:

      $splunk_forward_server = "",
      include splunk
  • As a parametrized class:

      class { "splunk":
        forward_server => "",

You can even, under some degrees, mix these two patterns.

You can for example set general top scope variables that affect all your parametrized classes:

    $puppi = true
    $monitor = true
    $monitor_tool = [ "nagios" , "munin" , "puppi" ]
    class { "splunk":
      forward_server => "",

The above example has the same effect of:

    class { "splunk":
      forward_server => "",
      puppi          => true,
      monitor        => true,
      monitor_tool   => [ "nagios" , "munin" , "puppi" ],

Note that if you use the "Set variables and include class" pattern you can define variables only at the top level scope or in a ENC (External Node Classifer) like Puppet Dashboard, Puppet Enterprise Console or The Foreman.

Below you have an overview of the most important module's parameters (you can mix and aggregate them).

The examples use parametrized classes, but for all the parameters you can set a $splunk_ top scope variable.

For example, the variable "$splunk_absent" is equivant to the "absent =>" parameter.

##= USAGE - Basic management

  • Install splunk with default settings

      class { "splunk": }
  • Disable splunk service.

      class { "splunk":
        disable => true,
  • Disable splunk service at boot time, but don't stop if is running.

      class { "splunk":
        disableboot => true,
  • Remove splunk package

      class { "splunk":
        absent => true,
  • Enable auditing without without making changes on existing splunk configuration files

      class { "splunk":
        audit_only => true,

##= USAGE - Overrides and Customizations

  • You can set custom sources for some commonly used splunk configuration files Note that if you do this, the omonimous existing files ( in $splunkdir/etc/system/local ) are removed. So, for example, the name of the forward server set with $forward_server is ignored if you use a custom template_server

      class { "splunk":
        template_inputs  => "example42/splunk/inputs.conf.erb",
        template_outputs => "example42/splunk/outputs.conf.erb",
        template_server  => "example42/splunk/server.conf.erb",
        template_web     => "example42/splunk/web.conf.erb",
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir Also for this case existing configuration might be overwritten

      class { "splunk":
        source_dir       => "puppet:///modules/example42/splunk/conf/",
        source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir
  • Define custom options that can be used in the custom templates without the need to add parameters to the splunk class

      class { "splunk":
        template_inputs => "example42/splunk/inputs.conf.erb",
        options  => {
          'fschange' => [ "/etc" , "/usr/local/etc" ]
          'monitor'  => [ "/var/log/apache/error.log" , "/var/log/tomcat/catalina.out" ],
  • Automaticallly include a custom subclass

      class { "splunk:"
        my_class => 'splunk::example42',

##= USAGE - Example42 extensions management

  • Activate puppi (recommended, but disabled by default) Note that this option requires the usage of Example42 puppi module

      class { "splunk": 
        puppi    => true,
  • Activate puppi and use a custom puppi_helper template (to be provided separately with a puppi::helper define ) to customize the output of puppi commands

      class { "splunk":
        puppi        => true,
        puppi_helper => "myhelper", 
  • Activate automatic monitoring (recommended, but disabled by default) This option requires the usage of Example42 monitor and relevant monitor tools modules

      class { "splunk":
        monitor      => true,
        monitor_tool => [ "nagios" , "monit" , "munin" ],
  • Activate automatic firewalling This option requires the usage of Example42 firewall and relevant firewall tools modules

      class { "splunk":       
        firewall      => true,
        firewall_tool => "iptables",
        firewall_src  => "",
        firewall_dst  => "$ipaddress_eth0",

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