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assignment 2

DGraph class

our class represents a directed graph who is made of nodes and edges every edge has a source node and a destination node, which means this edge creates a path from source to destination (the opposite path may not exist) every edge has a weight filed that represents the "cost" of using this edge during a path, we would like to think about this cost as the time it takes to get from source node to destination node. that is why nonsensitive weight is not possible. DGraph object:

  • int id- represents the next available id for a node to be added.
  • HashMap <Integer,node_data> idToVertex- a hash that gets an id of a node and connects it to the actual node who has that id.
  • HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer,edge_data>>- a hashMap that represents the edges in the graph. main key is the id of the source node values for a specific key is a hashMap where the keys are the id of all the nodes that has a direct edge that starts with this specific key and ends within them
  • int edgeNum- the number of edges in the graph
  • int mc- mode counter- counts all the changes in the graph

DGraph implements graph interface because every directed graph is first of all a graph.

main methods

  • getNode- return the node_data by the node's id- O(1)

  • getEdge- return the data of the edge (src,dest), null if edge does not exist- O(1)

  • addNode- add a deep copy of the node given to the graph with the given node's data. This is why 2 similar nodes are possible -the ID is unique for each node. Adding a node to the graph more than 1 time is possible since every addition gets a unique id O(1)

  • connect- connect an edge with the given weight between node src to node dest. (if the edge is already exist the new edge overwriting the old one.) O(1)

  • getV- This method return a pointer (shallow copy) for the collection representing all the nodes in the graph. O(1)

  • getE(int srcID)- This method return a pointer (shallow copy) for the collection representing all the edges getting out of the given node (all the edges starting at the given node). O(1)

  • removeNode (int nodeID)- Delete the node (with the given ID) from the graph -and removes all edges which starts or ends at this node - O(n)

  • removeEdge(int src, int dest)- delete the edge from the graph (the one from src to dest) O(1)

  • nodeSize- return the number of nodes O(1)

  • edgeSize- return the number of edges O(1)

  • getMC- return the number of changes of the graph O(1)

Graph_Algo class

this class goal is to activate some well known algorithms on a graph.

Graph_Algo object:

  • graph- a shallow copy of the graph to activate the algorithms on. if the graph changes the Graph_Algo changes as well

  • HashMap<Integer,HashSet> vertexToNeighbors- represents the connection between a vertex and his "kids"-(all the vertices that end an edge that starts with the main vertex)

  • HashMap<Integer,HashSet> NeighborsToVertex- represents the connection between a vertex and his "dads"- (all the vertices that start an edge that ends with the main vertex)

Integer.MAX_VALUE = infinity.

Graph_Algo implements graph_algorithms interface

main methods

  • init (graph g)- initiate the graph given into our object, and defines the 2 additional hashMaps

  • init(String file_name)- initiate a graph from a file into graph-algo object, and defines the 2 additional hashMaps

  • save(String file_name)- save the graph field from this graph-algo object to a file

  • copy- return a deep copy of this object's graph by saving the graph to a file and initiate it from the file

  • isConnected- Checks whether this graph is connected or not a connected graph means there is a valid path from EVREY node to each other node in this graph returns true if and only if (iff) the graph is connected

  • shortPathGraph(int src)- Initiate all the vertices's weight to their distance from src node and all the vertices info to a string represents their path from src. based on Dijkstra's algorithm.

  • shortestPathDist(int src, int dest)- Calculate the shortest path distance starting from src and ending with dest

  • shortestPath(int src, int dest)- Calculate the shortest path starting from src and ending with dest

  • TSP(List targets)- computes a relatively short path which visit each node in the targets List- using a greedy algorithm


we used StdDraw class that Princeton University created.

here is the original class:

we matched StdDraw to support a graph GUI window with several options:

  1. save the graph as a photo or as a Serializable file.

  2. load a graph from the file system.

  3. run some algorithm on the graph. (isConnected, shortestPath , TSP)

  4. add/remove vertex, add/remove edge, create new graph , clear selected vertices

(if the graph to draw is null we refer to it as an empty graph.)

Every Graph-GUI object is a thread that repaint the graph every 0.5 second if necessary. the tread checkes if there is a need to repaint the graph by chacking the mc field within the graph.


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