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Audio and video class room interaction on Aakash


To design and implement interactive class room application for Audio and Video Communication in Aakash Tablet using HTML 5 and WebRTC.


Interactive class room environment between student and teacher for sharing their doubts / queries through audio and video in the tablets. Enable the feature of audio and video in a table using HTML 5 and WebRTC, and stream the media data from tablet to communicate with web server.

Steps to Run Project:

1)Import the AVCRIOA package into eclipse

2)Configure the tomcat server copy the jars from "libraries" folder

3)Run the nodejs server file which is in nodejs folder with the name "server.js"

-->Navigate to the folder where server.js file placed

--> type the command $node server.js

4)Change the Server IP in the following files with the ip on which the above file is running

/AVCRIOA/student/broadcast.jsp		at line number 17

/AVCRIOA/student/index.jsp		at line number 28

/AVCRIOA/instructor/broadcast.jsp	at line number 28

/AVCRIOA/instructor/index.jsp		at line number 24

/AVCRIOA/js/student-connection.js	at line number 63

/AVCRIOA/js/videoRequests.js		at line number 27

/AVCRIOA/js/broadcast.js		at line number 49
  1. Open "context.xml" file under /Web-Content/META-INF/" and change the user name and password and mysql driver port if needed

  2. Dump the "avcrioa.sql" into database with the name avcrioa

  3. Save and Run the project.


interactive classroom using audio and video






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