[TEMP] Save caches from all branches, not just main #4
on: push
Configure Build Parameters
Matrix: build
Create Github Release
1 error
Process returned exit code 128
Launched as "git clone https://github.com/game-ci/unity-builder . --config core.autocrlf=false"
Launched at "/home/runner/work/_actions/Wandalen/unity-builder"
-> Stderr
- Cloning into '.'...
- Downloading test-project/Assets/LFS_Test_File.jpg (669 B)
- Error downloading object: test-project/Assets/LFS_Test_File.jpg (06ca06a): Smudge error: Error downloading test-project/Assets/LFS_Test_File.jpg (06ca06aa412dabebde872ff580b2ae9a812dea77918378462d69fe094fee1bd8): batch response: Fatal error: We couldn't respond to your request in time. Sorry about that. Please try resubmitting your request and contact us if the problem persists.
- Errors logged to '/home/runner/work/_actions/Wandalen/unity-builder/.git/lfs/logs/20240627T103310.150747955.log'.
- Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.
- error: external filter 'git-lfs filter-process' failed
- fatal: test-project/Assets/LFS_Test_File.jpg: smudge filter lfs failed
- warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
- You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
- and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'
- '
-< Stderr