This repository contains the blueprint developed in Unity for a specific type of game, aiming to be a Zombies FPS that is played on SP, gameplay is inspired on the classic round-based mode from the CoD Zombies saga but excluding between rounds time-out to give it a more aggressive gameplay.
This repository includes mostly code for the logic for the mentioned project, no animations, no sounds, no models, only those needed for the project to compile.
This repository contains code for:
The player have the following abilities programmed:
- Basic movement for crouching, slow-walking, walking and sprinting.
- Fast sliding (No collition modification added, just logic)
- Jumping
- Basic collition and gravity
- Pick any type of weapons from anywhere (given a prefab asset)
- Inflict damage on enemies with any weapon
- Automatic weapons logic (Used for primary weapons inside the project)
- Semiautomatic weapons logic (Used for secondary weapons inside the project)
Both weapons logic can:
- Shoot
- Reload
Weapons have a draw time programmed that can be used to add drawing animations
Automatic weapons have a recoil logic added like the one used for Counter-Strike
The enemies can chase a player and attack him causing damage to the player health, enemies have a logic for different action states:
- Patrolling
- Standing Still
- Chase
- Search/Look for the player
Spawns can be used to spawn enemies with a certain frequency, limiting quantities and types of enemies, all this parameters can be changed for every spawn type created and it has no variant limits inside the Unity engine.
You can use this repository freely as long as you give me credit for the source code used.
The only thing you need to run and modify this project to your liking is Unity 2020.3.26f1 and a computer with the required specs to run it More information here