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introducing the Submitter class: takes care of submitting jobs locall…
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…y and to the cluster, enabling estimation of the injection scale prior to submission, progress on #28
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JannisNe committed Jan 4, 2021
1 parent e5283cc commit 9c37b8c
Showing 1 changed file with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions flarestack/cluster/
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@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
import os, subprocess, time, logging, shutil
import numpy as np
from flarestack.shared import fs_dir, log_dir, fs_scratch_dir, make_analysis_pickle, host_server, \
inj_dir_name, name_pickle_output_dir
from flarestack.core.multiprocess_wrapper import run_multiprocess
from flarestack.core.minimisation import MinimisationHandler
from flarestack.core.results import ResultsHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Submitter(object):

submitter_dict = dict()

def __init__(self, mh_dict, use_cluster, n_cpu,
do_sensitivity_scale_estimation=False, remove_old_results=False,
A class that takes care of submitting the trial calculations.
Also can estimate the sensitivity scale before submitting.
:param mh_dict: dict, MinimisationHandler dictionary
:param use_cluster: bool, whether to run the trials locally or on the cluster
:param n_cpu: int, number of cores to use
:param do_sensitivity_scale_estimation: str, containing 'asimov', 'quick_injections' or both
:param remove_old_results: bool, if True will delete directories containing injection values and pickled
results from previous trials
:param cluster_kwargs: keyword arguments used by the cluster
self.mh_dict = mh_dict
self.use_cluster = use_cluster
self.n_cpu = n_cpu
self.job_id = None
self.remove_old_results = remove_old_results
self.do_sensitivity_scale_estimation = do_sensitivity_scale_estimation
self.successful_guess_by_quick_injections = False
self.cluster_kwargs = cluster_kwargs

def submit_cluster(self, mh_dict):
"""Splits the trials into jobs and submits them to be calculated on the cluster"""
raise NotImplementedError

def submit_local(self, mh_dict):
"""Uses the MultiprocessWrapper to split the trials into jobs and run them locally"""
# max CPU number is all but one
n_cpu = min(self.n_cpu, os.cpu_count() - 1)
run_multiprocess(n_cpu=n_cpu, mh_dict=mh_dict)

def submit(self, mh_dict):
if self.remove_old_results:
if self.use_cluster:

def wait_for_job(self):
"""Waits until the cluster is finished processing the job with the ID self.job_id"""
raise NotImplementedError

def _quick_injections_name(self):
name = self.mh_dict['name']
return f'{name if not name.endswith(os.sep) else name[:-1]}_quick_injection/'

def run_quick_injections_to_estimate_sensitivity_scale(self):
Roughly estimates the injection scale in order to find a better scale range.
The quick injection trials are run locally.
Note that a scale still has to be given in the mh_dict as a first estimate.
"""'doing quick trials to estimate scale')

# repeat the guessing until success:
while not self.successful_guess_by_quick_injections:

# The given scale will serve as an initial guess
initial_guess = self.mh_dict['scale']

quick_injections_mh_dict = dict(self.mh_dict)
quick_injections_mh_dict['name'] = self._quick_injections_name
quick_injections_mh_dict['background_ntrials_factor'] = 1
quick_injections_mh_dict['n_trials'] = 20

# collect the quick injections
quick_injections_rh = ResultsHandler(quick_injections_mh_dict, do_sens=False, do_disc=False)

# guess the disc and sens scale
disc_guess, sens_guess = quick_injections_rh.estimate_sens_disc_scale()

if any((guess < 0) or (guess > initial_guess) for guess in [disc_guess, sens_guess]):'Could not perform scale guess because '
f'at least one guess outside [0, {initial_guess}]! '
f'Adjusting accordingly.')
self.mh_dict['scale'] = max((sens_guess, disc_guess)) * 1.5

elif initial_guess > 5 * disc_guess:'Could not perform scale guess beause '
f'initial scale guess {initial_guess} much larger than '
f'disc scale guess {disc_guess}. '
f'Adjusting initial guess to {4 * disc_guess} and retry.')
self.mh_dict['scale'] = 4 * disc_guess

else:'Scale guess successful. Adjusting injection scale.')
self.successful_guess_by_quick_injections = True
self.mh_dict['scale'] = sens_guess


def _clean_injection_values_and_pickled_results(name):
"""Removes directories containing injection values and pickled results"""
directories = [name_pickle_output_dir(name), inj_dir_name(name)]
for d in directories:
if os.path.isdir(d):
logger.debug(f'removing {d}')
logger.warning(f'Can not remove {d}! It is not a directory!')

def do_asimov_scale_estimation(self):
"""estimate the injection scale using Asimov estimation"""'doing asimov estimation')
mh = MinimisationHandler.create(self.mh_dict)
scale_estimate = mh.guess_scale()
logger.debug(f'estimated scale: {scale_estimate}')
self.mh_dict['scale'] = scale_estimate

def analyse(self):
if self.do_sensitivity_scale_estimation:
if 'asimov' in self.do_sensitivity_scale_estimation:

if 'quick_injections' in self.do_sensitivity_scale_estimation:


def register_submitter_class(cls, server_name):
"""Adds a new subclass of Submitter, with class name equal to "server_name"."""
def decorator(subclass):
cls.submitter_dict[server_name] = subclass
return subclass
return decorator

def get_submitter(cls, *args, **kwargs):

if host_server not in cls.submitter_dict:
logger.warning(f'No submitter implemented for host server {host_server}! '
f'Using LocalSubmitter but you wont\'t be able to use cluster operations!')
return cls.submitter_dict['local'](*args, **kwargs)

return cls.submitter_dict[host_server](*args, **kwargs)

class LocalSubmitter(Submitter):

def __init__(self, mh_dict, use_cluster, n_cpu, do_sensitivity_scale_estimation=False, **cluster_kwargs):
if use_cluster:
raise NotImplementedError('No cluster operation implemented because you are using the LocalSubmitter!')

super(LocalSubmitter, self).__init__(
mh_dict, use_cluster, n_cpu, do_sensitivity_scale_estimation, **cluster_kwargs

class DESYSubmitter(Submitter):

cluster_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/"
submit_file = cluster_dir + ""

def __init__(self, mh_dict, use_cluster, n_cpu, **cluster_kwargs):
super(DESYSubmitter, self).__init__(mh_dict, use_cluster, n_cpu, **cluster_kwargs)

# extract information that will be used by the cluster script
self.h_cpu = self.cluster_kwargs.get("h_cpu", "23:59:00")
self.trials_per_task = self.cluster_kwargs.get("trials_per_task", 1)
self.cluster_cpu = self.cluster_kwargs.get('cluster_cpu', n_cpu)
self.ram_per_core = self.cluster_kwargs.get(
"{0:.1f}G".format(6. / float(self.cluster_cpu) + 2.)

self.username = os.path.basename(os.environ['HOME'])
self.status_cmd = f'qstat -u {self.username}'
self.submit_cmd = 'qsub '
self.root_dir = os.path.dirname(fs_dir[:-1])

def _qstat_output(qstat_command):
"""return the output of the qstat_command"""
# start a subprocess to query the cluster
process = subprocess.Popen(qstat_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
# read the ouput
tmp =
return str(tmp)

def _ntasks_from_qstat_command(self, qstat_command):
"""Returns the number of tasks from the output of qstat_command"""
# get the ouput of qstat_command
st = self._qstat_output(qstat_command)
# If the output is an empty string there are no tasks left
if st == '':
return 0
# Extract the number of tasks with my job_id
ids = np.array([int(s.split(' ')[2]) for s in st.split('\n')[2:-1]])
return len(ids[ids == self.job_id])

def ntasks_total(self):
"""Returns the total number of tasks"""
return self._ntasks_from_qstat_command(self.status_cmd)

def ntasks_running(self):
"""Returns the number of running tasks"""
return self._ntasks_from_qstat_command(self.status_cmd + " -s r")

def wait_for_job(self):
Runs the command cmd, which queries the status of the job on the
cluster, and reads the output. While the output is not an empty
string (indicating job completion), the cluster is re-queried
every 30 seconds. Occasionally outputs the number of remaining sub-tasks
on cluster, and outputs full table result every ~ 8 minutes. On
completion of job, terminates function process and allows the script to
i = 31
j = 6
while self.ntasks_total != 0:
if i > 3:'{time.asctime(time.localtime())} - Job{self.job_id}:'
f' {self.ntasks_total} entries in queue. '
f'Of these, {self.ntasks_running} are running tasks, and '
f'{self.ntasks_total - self.ntasks_running} are tasks still waiting to be executed.')
i = 0
j += 1

if j > 7:
j = 0

i += 1

def make_cluster_submission_script(self):
flarestack_scratch_dir = os.path.dirname(fs_scratch_dir[:-1]) + "/"

text = "#!/bin/zsh \n" \
"## \n" \
"##(otherwise the default shell would be used) \n" \
"#$ -S /bin/zsh \n" \
"## \n" \
"##(the running time for this job) \n" \
f"#$ -l h_cpu={self.h_cpu} \n" \
"#$ -l h_rss=" + str(self.ram_per_core) + "\n" \
"## \n" \
"## \n" \
"##(send mail on job's abort) \n" \
"#$ -m a \n" \
"## \n" \
"##(stderr and stdout are merged together to stdout) \n" \
"#$ -j y \n" \
"## \n" \
"## name of the job \n" \
"## -N Flarestack script " + self.username + " \n" \
"## \n" \
"##(redirect output to:) \n" \
"#$ -o /dev/null \n" \
"## \n" \
"sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 1 )) \n" \
'exec > "$TMPDIR"/${JOB_ID}_stdout.txt ' \
'2>"$TMPDIR"/${JOB_ID}_stderr.txt \n' \
'eval $(/cvmfs/ \n' \
'export PYTHONPATH=' + self.root_dir + '/ \n' \
'export FLARESTACK_SCRATCH_DIR=' + flarestack_scratch_dir + " \n" \
'python ' + fs_dir + 'core/ -f $1 -n $2 \n' \
'cp $TMPDIR/${JOB_ID}_stdout.txt ' + log_dir + '\n' \
'cp $TMPDIR/${JOB_ID}_stderr.txt ' + log_dir + '\n '"Creating file at {0}".format(DESYSubmitter.submit_file))

with open(DESYSubmitter.submit_file, "w") as f:

logger.debug("Bash file created: \n {0}".format(text))

cmd = "chmod +x " + DESYSubmitter.submit_file

def submit_cluster(self, mh_dict):
"""Submits the job to the cluster"""
# Get the number of tasks that will have to be submitted in order to get ntrials
ntrials = mh_dict['n_trials']
n_tasks = int(ntrials / self.trials_per_task)
logger.debug(f'running {ntrials} trials in {n_tasks} tasks')

# The mh_dict will be submitted n_task times and will perform mh_dict['n_trials'] each time.
# Therefore we have to adjust mh_dict['n_trials'] in order to actually perform the number
# specified in self.mh_dict['n_trials']
mh_dict['n_trials'] = self.trials_per_task
path = make_analysis_pickle(mh_dict)

# assemble the submit command
submit_cmd = self.submit_cmd
if self.cluster_cpu > 1:
submit_cmd += " -pe multicore {0} -R y ".format(self.cluster_cpu)
submit_cmd += f"-t 1-{n_tasks}:1 {DESYSubmitter.submit_file} {path} {self.cluster_cpu}"
logger.debug(f"Ram per core: {self.ram_per_core}")"{time.asctime(time.localtime())}: {submit_cmd}")


process = subprocess.Popen(submit_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
msg =
self.job_id = int(str(msg).split('job-array')[1].split('.')[0])

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