LiveJournal backup utility in Go
This is a port of the utility to Go to backup LiveJournal user and community posts and comments.
The software should be considered alpha-version quality and is used with extreme caution. In particular, a bug in the utility may cause excessive number of requests sent to LiveJournal and blocking of the IP address. A bug can also overwrite or damage already archived files so if you have a big archive downloaded with, backup it before running the utility.
Create a directory where to store the archive and create a config file named ljdump.config
there as described in the sample file. Then run compiled ljdumpgo binary from that directory.
To specify the password separately from the config file create a file with the password on its first line and then either add <passwordFile>
to ljdump.config
or set the environment variable LJDUMP_PASSWORD_FILE
with the location of the password file.
Alternatively, configuration can be given as command line options. Those take precedence over configuration from ljdump.config
...$ ljdumpgo -h
Usage: ljdumpgo [OPTION]...
Option summary:
-h shorthand for -help
print usage on stdout and exit
-j journal
shorthand for -journal journal
-journal journal
add journal to the list of journals to archive. If none are given, use LJ username
-p path
shorthand for -password-file path
-password-file path
path to file with LJ user password, use '-' to read from stdin (password will be echoed)
-s server
shorthand for -server server (default "")
-server server
LJ server (default "")
-u username
shorthand for -username username
-username username
LJ username
Archive of each journal is stored in the accordingly named subdirectory of the main directory. In addition userpics and their keywords are stored in the subdirectory
Ensure that the directory with ljdumpgo sources is on the GOPATH and then run from there:
go build -v -o ljdumpgo *.go
To produce a fully static binary on Linux build with CGO_ENABLED=0
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o ljdumpgo *.go
All dependent packages that the utility uses are stored under the vendor folder so no network connection is necessary to compile it. When using a Go compiler older than 1.6, add the vendor directory to GOPATH.
ljdumpgo reads most configuration and database files created by and can be used to continue archiving the data previously downloaded by that utility. The only exception is userpics.xml
file and corresponding image files. As downloads those files each time it runs, ljdumpgo replaces that with separated
directory that stores the picture files and meta-information about them allowing to skip downloads if the files have not changed.
ljdumpgo does not support writing meta-information about the state of comments using Python-specific pickle files. Instead it uses diff-friendly plain text files that can easily be edited by hands. Thus running the Python utility after ljdumpgo downloaded some posts or comments will re-download those again.