A simple local password manager written in Python and MariaDB. Uses pbkdf2 to derive a 256 bit key from a MASTER PASSWORD and DEVICE SECRET to use with AES-256 for encrypting/decrypting.
You need to have python3 to run this on Windows, Linux or MacOS
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install -r requirements
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mariadb-server
Login to mysql as root
sudo mysql -u root
Create User
CREATE USER 'sp'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Grant privileges
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'sp'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Pyperclip is a python module used to copy data to the clipboard. If you get a "not implemented error", follow this simple fix: https://pyperclip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#not-implemented-error
You need to first configure the password manager by choosing a MASTER PASSWORD. This config step is only required to be executed once.
python config.py make
The above command will make a new configuration by asking you to choose a MASTER PASSWORD. This will generate the DEVICE SECRET, create db and required tables.
python config.py delete
The above command will delete the existing configuration. Doing this will completely delete your device secret and all your entries and you will loose all your passwords. So be aware!
python config.py remake
The above command will first delete the existing configuration and create a fresh new configuration by asking you to choose a MASTER PASSWORD, generate the DEVICE SECRET, create the db and required tables.
./simplePass.py -h
usage: simplePass.py [-h] [-s NAME] [-u URL] [-e EMAIL] [-l LOGIN] [--length LENGTH] [-c] option
positional arguments:
option (a)dd / (e)xtract / (g)enerate
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s NAME, --name NAME Site name
-u URL, --url URL Site URL
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
-l LOGIN, --login LOGIN
--length LENGTH Length of the password to generate
-c, --copy Copy password to clipboard
./simplePass.py add -s mysite -u mysite.com -e [email protected] -l myusername
./simplePass.py extract
The above command retrieves all the entries
./simplePass.py e -s mysite
The above command retrieves all the entries whose site name is "mysite"
./simplePass.py e -s mysite -l myusername
The above command retrieves the entry whose site name is "mysite" and username is "myusername"
./simplePass.py e -s mysite -l myusername --copy
The above command copies the password of the site "mysite" and username "myusername" into the clipboard
./simplePass.py g --length 15
The above command generates a password of length 15 and copies to clipboard