Stretchy Header Collection View
demonstrates how to create a stretchy header in a collection view. It's designed to create a dynamic and interactive user experience by having a header view that stretches and shrinks with the scrolling of the UICollectionView.
- Header view that adjusts size with scroll
- Easy to integrate into any UICollectionView
- Built using Swift and UIKit
To use this in your project:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in Xcode and run it on a simulator or device.
To integrate the stretchy header into your UICollectionView, refer to the example in
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.
👤 Azhar Anwar
- Github: @iamazhar
- LinkedIn: @azharcodes
- Email: [email protected]
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This project is MIT licensed. Please see the license file for more information.