This GTFS-RT generator provides realtime updates (service alerts and trip updates) for the following NMBS GTFS dataset:
You should have an unzipped gtfs feed of the Belgium railway unzipped in the root directory. This can be downloaded from
Calendar_dates.txt must be ordered by date. You can use following command to do this:
mv calendar_dates.txt calendar_dates_total.txt
sort --field-separator=',' -k2 -k1 -k3 calendar_dates_total.txt > calendar_dates_sorted.txt
It is recommended to take a subset of calendar dates from calendar_dates.txt. This subset should start from now to +/- 3 months in the future. You can do this with following command:
sed -n 'START_LINENUMBER,END_LINENUMBER' calendar_dates_sorted.txt > calendar_dates.txt
To run the application at home you will need to have Maven and the Java JDK installed. You can either use an IDE (e.g. Netbeans) or CLI:
mvn install
This will make sure all the dependencies are downloaded. Run the application with:
java -jar target/RDFMapperNMBS-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Information is scraped from the NMBS website and iRail API.
Refer to the GTFS-realtime specification at for more details on message field type, cardinality, etc.
================= This project is made possible by a collaboration between Be-Mobile and iRail during open Summer of code 2015.