The tool requires the following prerequisites:
- Java 1.8+
- Apache Maven > 3.3.9. Refer to for the installation instructions
- Python 2.7.x (required by the evaluation script and for reproducing the experiments on cross-pair kernels)
git clone
Run the following command sequence to install the software and set the Java classpath.
cd ./RelTextRank
export JAVA_HOME=<path to your JDK distribution>
sh scripts/install/
rm target/dependency/google-collections-1.0.jar
export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:bin/:target/dependency/*:target/classes
mkdir logs
Additional DKPro resources for computing semantic Wikipedia and WordNet-based DKPro similarity featuress, if required. You do not need to do this, if you are going to generate the structures only following examples in this readme. Refer to for the instructions on how to setup the following DKPro resources (Please, remember to set up the DKPRO_HOME environment variable as described in the installation instructions web-page):
WordNet Lexical Semantic Resource index. Follow all the official installation instructions, but substitute the original wordnet_properties.xml file supplied within WordNet resource graph archive, with the following file instead:
We do not employ Wiktionary in the pipeline. Therefore, you need to remove the following lines from the resources.xml file (or, alternatively, you may download and install the Wiktionary resources as described in the DKPro installation instructions):
<bean id="wiktionary-en" lazy-init="true" class="de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.lexsemresource.wiktionary.WiktionaryResource"> <constructor-arg value="ENGLISH"/> <constructor-arg value="${DKPRO_HOME}/LexSemResources/Wiktionary/jwktl_0.15.2_en20100403"/> </bean>
- make sure to set up the correct paths to your WordNet resources in
(check line 51). - check that that the WordNet entry in
looks as follows:<bean id="wordnet3-en" lazy-init="true" class="de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.lexsemresource.wordnet.WordNetResource"> <constructor-arg value="${DKPRO_HOME}/LexSemResources/WordNet_3x/wordnet_properties.xml"/> </bean>
- make sure to set up the correct paths to your WordNet resources in
Wikipedia Explicit Semantic Analysis index. If you want to be able to access to the full range of features available in this pipeline, please, download the precompiled the Wikipedia Explicit Semantic Analysis index (see the Explicit Semantic Analysis: Vector Indexes section of the DKPro installation instructions).
If you want to reproduce the results from our most recent publication
- Tymoshenko, K. and Moschitti, A. (2018). Cross-Pair Text Representations for Answer Sentence Selection. In EMNLP.
please install the tool as above and follow the instructions at the wiki page.
Note that you need to set up the WordNet Lexical Semantic Resource index and the DKPRO_HOME
environment variable if you wish to reproduce the EMNLP 18 results.
You can use the tool to build the structures employed in the following papers:
Tymoshenko, K., Bonadiman, D., Moschitti, A. (2017). Ranking Kernels for Structures and Embeddings: A Hybrid Preference and Classification Model. In EMNLP.
Tymoshenko, K., Moschitti, A. (2015). Assessing the impact of syntactic and semantic structures for answer passages reranking. In CIKM.
Tymoshenko, K., Moschitti, A., Nicosia, M., Severyn, A. (2017). RelTextRank: An Open Source Framework for Building Relational Syntactic-Semantic Text Pair Representations. In ACL, System Demonstrations.
Tymoshenko, K., Bonadiman, D., & Moschitti, A. (2016). Learning to rank non-factoid answers: Comment selection in Web forums. In CIKM.
Tymoshenko, K., Bonadiman, D., & Moschitti, A. (2016). Convolutional neural networks vs. convolution kernels: Feature engineering for answer sentence reranking. In NAACL HLT.
(Note, that the results might slightly differ from the results reported in the above works due to some minor changes in the code).
We show how to run the experiments on the example of the WikiQA dataset.
First, you need to download the WikiQA data from Then run the following commands from the root of the RelTextRank distribution.
export wikiqa_location=<folder to which you unpacked the WikiQa distribution>
mkdir data/wikiQA
python scripts/converters/ ${wikiqa_location}/WikiQA-train.tsv data/wikiQA/WikiQA-train.questions.txt data/wikiQA/WikiQA-train.tsv.resultset
python scripts/converters/ ${wikiqa_location}/WikiQA-test.tsv data/wikiQA/WikiQA-test.questions.txt data/wikiQA/WikiQA-test.tsv.resultset
python scripts/converters/ ${wikiqa_location}/WikiQA-dev.tsv data/wikiQA/WikiQA-dev.questions.txt data/wikiQA/WikiQA-dev.tsv.resultset
It may take a long time to train the pipeline on the full-scale data on a single machine. If you wish to train on the subset of data, run the following command to prepare the input file with the
input data:
python scripts/converters/ -i data/wikiQA/WikiQA-train.questions.txt -o data/wikiQA/WikiQA-train.questions.toy.txt -p 0.3
We provide a conveniency python script which generates a shell script which runs the end-to-end experiment in a specific configuration:
python scripts/experiment_launchers/
Below you may find examples of the commands to generate the shell scripts which will run end-to-end experiments with different structural representations and the Partial Tree Kernel SVM on WikiQA.
First, you need to set the corpus_name
environment variable.
To train on full-scale data (will take time):
export corpus_name=wikiqa
To train on toy data (should be fast but less accurate):
export corpus_name=wikiqa_toy
After you have set the variable, run one of the commands below.
CH, shallow chunk-pos based tree
bash python scripts/experiment_launchers/ -l ${corpus_name} -o scripts/generated_scripts -c CH -p "-t 5 -F 3 -C T -m 1000" -e it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.CHExperiment -suf T -s it.unitn.nlpir.system.core.ClassTextPairConversion -ate " -skipAllSame" -ade " -skipAllSame"
- Here, T1 and T2 are both represented as shallow tree structures with lemmas as leaves, their POS-tags as their parent nodes. The POS- tag nodes are further grouped under chunk and sentence nodes. CH excludes punctuation marks and words not included into any chunk
DT1, a dependency-based tree represntation
bash python scripts/experiment_launchers/ -l ${corpus_name} -o scripts/generated_scripts -c DT1 -p "-t 5 -F 3 -C T -m 1000" -e it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.DT1Experiment -suf T -s it.unitn.nlpir.system.core.ClassTextPairConversion -ate " -skipAllSame" -ade " -skipAllSame"
- A dependency tree in which grammatical relations become nodes and lemmas are located at the leaf level
DT2, a dependency-based tree representation
bash python scripts/experiment_launchers/ -l ${corpus_name} -o scripts/generated_scripts -c DT2 -p "-t 5 -F 3 -C T -m 1000" -e it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.DT2Experiment -suf T -s it.unitn.nlpir.system.core.ClassTextPairConversion -ate " -skipAllSame" -ade " -skipAllSame"
- DT1 modified to include the chunking information, and lemmas in the same chunk are grouped under the same chunk node.
LCTQ-DT2A, a dependency-based tree representation
bash python scripts/experiment_launchers/ -l ${corpus_name} -o scripts/generated_scripts -c DT3q_DT2a -p "-t 5 -F 3 -C T -m 1000" -e it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.LCTqDT2aExperiment -suf T -s it.unitn.nlpir.system.core.ClassTextPairConversion -ate " -skipAllSame" -ade " -skipAllSame"
- T2 is represented as DT2. T1 is represented as a lexical-centered dependency tree with the grammatical relation
represented as(head (child HEAD GR-REL POS-pos(head))
. HereREL
is a grammatical relation,head
are the head and child lemmas in the relation, respectively, andpos(head)
is the POS-tag of the head lemma.GR-
tag in the node name indicates that the node is grammar relation or part-of-speech node, respectively.
CONST, a constituency-based tree representation
bash python scripts/experiment_launchers/ -l ${corpus_name} -o scripts/generated_scripts -c CONST -p "-t 5 -F 3 -C T -m 1000" -e it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.ConstExperiment -suf T -s it.unitn.nlpir.system.core.ClassTextPairConversion -ate " -skipAllSame" -ade " -skipAllSame"
- Constituency tree
Below we provide the bash commands to generate shell scripts which will run the commands end-to-end:
The above commands will output something like the following:
nohup sh scripts/generated_scripts/<experiment_script_name>.sh > logs/<experiment_script_name>.log 2>&1 &
Launch it to run an end-to-end experiment.
In order to see perfomance simply do:
tail -11 logs/<experiment_script_name>.log
First table reports performance on the development data, and the second on the test data. REF_FILE is the upper bound of performance. SVM is the performance of your system.
You may see the expected performance of the below scrips in this google spreadsheet.
Use the following script to evaluate the peformance:
python scripts/eval/ --ignore_noanswer --ignore_allanswer data/examples/<experimental_folder>/svm.relevancy data/examples/<experimental_folder>/<predictions_file>
Note that svm.relevancy and <predictions_file>
should be aligned line-by-line.
If you want to build and visualize structural representations for two input texts, run the following:
java -Xmx4G it.unitn.nlpir.system.demo.TextPairRepresentationDemo -expClassName it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.<structure_generation_class_name>
For example, if you want to see a CONST structure, you may run:
java -Xmx4G it.unitn.nlpir.system.demo.TextPairRepresentationDemo -expClassName it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.ConstExperiment
After initialization, the interactive prompt with ask you to enter question and answer delimited by a tab and press Enter
The demo will then generate the pseudo-code for the structural representations of your input pairs.
For example, if you enter:
What is the capital of Italy? Rome is the capital.
the demo will output:
[main] INFO it.unitn.nlpir.experiment.fqa.TrecQAWithQCExperiment - [ROOT [ROOT [SBARQ [WHNP [WP [what::w]]] [SQ [VBZ [be::v]] [NP [REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP [DT [the::d]] [REL-NN [capital::n]]] [PP [IN [of::i]] [NP [NNP [italy::n]]]]]] [. [?::.]]]]] [ROOT [ROOT [S [REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP [NNP [rome::n]]] [VP [VBZ [be::v]] [REL-NP [DT [the::d]] [REL-NN [capital::n]]]] [. [.::.]]]]]
[main] INFO it.unitn.nlpir.system.demo.TextPairRepresentationDemo - Text1: (ROOT (ROOT (SBARQ (WHNP (WP (what::w))) (SQ (VBZ (be::v)) (NP (REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP (DT (the::d)) (REL-NN (capital::n))) (PP (IN (of::i)) (NP (NNP (italy::n)))))) (. (?::.)))))
[main] INFO it.unitn.nlpir.system.demo.TextPairRepresentationDemo - Text2: (ROOT (ROOT (S (REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP (NNP (rome::n))) (VP (VBZ (be::v)) (REL-NP (DT (the::d)) (REL-NN (capital::n)))) (. (.::.)))))
Copy-paste the first line, namely
[ROOT [ROOT [SBARQ [WHNP [WP [what::w]]] [SQ [VBZ [be::v]] [NP [REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP [DT [the::d]] [REL-NN [capital::n]]] [PP [IN [of::i]] [NP [NNP [italy::n]]]]]] [. [?::.]]]]] [ROOT [ROOT [S [REL-FOCUS-LOC-NP [NNP [rome::n]]] [VP [VBZ [be::v]] [REL-NP [DT [the::d]] [REL-NN [capital::n]]]] [. [.::.]]]]]
to and you will see the visualization of your question and answer trees.
This software is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.