A Simple two-player Discord Game Bot made using Discord.js. Uses MongoDB for storing user stats.
Invite your friends for a guessing challenge. Take turns guessing a random number between a given range (depends on mode). Allows you to play multiple games on different channels. Simple but fun!
Install the required dependencies using
npm install
Create the '.env' file in the same folder and add your DISCORDJS_BOT_TOKEN there.
Don't forget to make appropriate changes to the mongoose connection query.
To see all the available commands on Discord
!gg help
To invite a user for a challenge
Available Modes: Easy/Medium/Hard
!gg invite <mention user> <mode>
To accept an invitation use,
!gg accept <invite code>
Guess a number using,
!gg guess <number>
Check someone's cumulative stats with
!gg stats <user>