Please generate access token before proceeding. Once you generated the access_token
, you can pass this token as bearer authorization token in the header for all APIs.
An issuer may issue a verifiable credential to a subject using this API. The credential document is signed by issuer's identity key and its status is registered on the blockchain.
{% hint style="info" %} Entity Studio SSI API base URL: {% endhint %}
{% swagger src="../../.gitbook/assets/api-json (1).json" path="/api/v1/credential/issue" method="post" %} api-json (1).json {% endswagger %}
{% hint style="info" %}
NOTE: A developer may choose to store the verifiable credential in application's data vault securely or they may not to. Pass true
for request body property persist
to store the credential document, false
{% endhint %}
A signed verifiable credential must has signature of the issuer. Any one may verify an issued credential document. The verification result state the following facts:
- This document was issued by intended issuer
- This document have not been tampered
- This document have not been revoked
{% swagger src="../../.gitbook/assets/api-json.json" path="/api/v1/credential/verify" method="post" %} api-json.json {% endswagger %}
{% hint style="info" %} NOTE: Verifying a credential document is different than verifying a verifiable presentation. Verification result of later, also states that "Only intended subject holds this document and not one else". {% endhint %}
{% swagger src="../../.gitbook/assets/api-json.json" path="/api/v1/credential/{credentialId}" method="get" %} api-json.json {% endswagger %}
{% hint style="info" %}
Pass false
value to parameter retrieveCredential
to only retrieve status of the credential
{% endhint %}
{% swagger src="../../.gitbook/assets/api-json.json" path="/api/v1/credential" method="get" %} api-json.json {% endswagger %}
{% swagger src="../../.gitbook/assets/api-json.json" path="/api/v1/credential/status/{credentialId}" method="patch" %} api-json.json {% endswagger %}