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🐍 hyper-connect 🐍

hyper-connect is the python SDK package for hyper.

Official hyper documentation.


The following command will install the latest version of the hyper-connect module and its dependencies from the Python Packaging Index (PyPI):

pip install hyper-connect


hyper-connect wraps a hyper app's REST API, generating a short-lived JWT using a connection string from one of your hyper app's app keys.

hyper-connect supports both synchronous and asynchronous calls.

Once you've created an environment variable named HYPER with the value of a connection string, you're ready to make a call to the connect function which returns a Hyper object:

from hyper_connect import connect
from hyper_connect.types import Hyper
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from typing import Dict

config = dotenv_values("./.env")

connection_string: str = str(config["HYPER"])
hyper: Hyper = connect(connection_string)

movie: Dict = {
    "_id": "movie-4000",
    "type": "movie",
    "title": "Back to the Future",
    "year": "1985",

result =
print(" result --> ", result)
# result -->  {'id': 'movie-4000', 'ok': True, 'status': 201}

Services and Actions

hyper is a suite of service apis, with hyper connect you can specify the API you want to connect with and the action you want to perform. hyper.[service].[action] - with each service there are a different set of actions to call. This table breaks down the service and action with description of the action.


Service Action Description
data add creates a json document in the hyper data store
data list lists the documents given a start,stop,limit range
data get retrieves a document by id
data update updates a given document by id
data remove removes a document from the store
data query queries the store for a set of documents based on selector criteria
data index creates an index for the data store
data bulk inserts, updates, and removed document via a batch of documents


Service Action Description
cache add creates a json document in the hyper cache store with a key
cache get retrieves a document by key
cache set sets a given document by key
cache remove removes a document from the cache
cache query queries the cache for a set of documents based on a pattern matcher


Service Action Description
search add indexes a json document in the hyper search index
search get retrieves a document from index
search update updates a document in the hyper search index
search remove removes a document from the index
search query searches index by text
search load loads a batch of documents


Service Action Description
storage upload adds object/file to hyper storage bucket
storage download retrieves a object/file from bucket
storage remove removes a object/file from the bucket


Service Action Description
queue enqueue posts object to queue
queue errors gets list of errors occured with queue
queue queued gets list of objects that are queued and ready to be sent.

hyper vision 😎

hyper vision is a UI dev tool to browse hyper cloud data, cache, search, etc. via an app key's connection string. It is available at

hyper vision cache

Types and type checking

Common types you'll encounter include HYPER, ListOptions, QueryOptions, and SearchQueryOptions.

from hyper_connect import connect
from hyper_connect.types import Hyper, ListOptions, QueryOptions, SearchQueryOptions

The SDK performs runtime type checking on the arguments passed into methods and functions, as well as, the return value.

Passing incorrect types will cause a TypeError to be raised:

def data_list_bad_keys_sync(self):
    options: ListOptions = {
        "startkey": None,
        "limit": None,
        "endkey": None,
        "keys": 6,
        "descending": None,

        result =
    except TypeError as err:
        print('data_list_bad_keys_sync TypeError -> ', err)
        # data_list_bad_keys_sync TypeError -> type of dict item "params" for argument "req_params" must be one of (hyper_connect.types._types.ListOptions, hyper_connect.types._types.QueryOptions, Dict[str, str], NoneType); got dict instead

Some keys within ListOptions, QueryOptions, and SearchQueryOptions are optional. For example both of the following typed Dictionaries are valid types:

valid_data_list_options: ListOptions = {
    "startkey": "book-000105",
    "limit": None,
    "endkey": "book-000106",
    "keys": None,
    "descending": None,

also_valid_options: ListOptions = {
    "startkey": "book-000105",
    "endkey": "book-000106"



Synchronous and asynchronous support

hyper_connect supports both synchronous and asynchronous methods for each service type (data, cache, storage, etc.). It's easy to distinguish between the two. Synchronous method names will not end in _async.

result =

While asynchronous methods end in _async:

result = await

Async can be a little tricky. Here are a couple of good resources to help avoid the pitfalls 😵‍💫: How to Create an Async API Call with asyncio and Common Mistakes Using Python3 asyncio

  • You must use the async and await syntax:

    async def data_add():
        movie: Dict = {
            "_id": "movie-5000",
            "type": "movie",
            "title": "Back to the Future 2",
            "year": "1987",
        result: IdResult = await
        print(" result --> ", result)
        # result -->  {'id': 'movie-4000', 'ok': True, 'status': 201}
  • To run your asyncronous function, use asyncio which is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax:

    from examples_async import data_add
    import asyncio
    # result -->  {'id': 'movie-5000', 'ok': True, 'status': 201}
  • Calls to asynchronous methods return JS style promises. Compose your Hyper services to create complex flows:

    async def data_cache_compose():
        movie: Dict = {
            "_id": "movie-5001",
            "type": "movie",
            "title": "Back to the Future 3",
            "year": "1989",
        result = await
            lambda _: hyper.cache.add_async(
                key=movie["_id"], value=movie, ttl="1d"
        print("hyper data and cache add result --> ", result)
        # hyper data and cache add_async result -->  {'ok': True, 'status': 201}

Async examples



Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

See Contributing.


hyper_connect was created by the hyper team. It is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

See Licence.

Code of Conduct

See Code of Conduct

Developer Setup

We prefer you use Gitpod. Gitpod provides a fully initialized, perfectly set-up developer environmment for the hyper connect SDK.

We recommend you install the Gitpod browser extension to make this a one-click operation.

Open in Gitpod

Environment Variables

If you plan on running tests, you'll need to create an environment variable named HYPER.

HYPER=cloud://your app key:your app [email protected]/express-quickstart

One way to add an environment variable is to use a .env file. Feel free to provide environment variables in a way that makes sense to you.

  • Create a .env file in the project root.
  • Within .env, create an environment variable named HYPER with a value of your hyper app's connection string.


We use git pre-commit hooks, black, and isort to prettify the code and run static type checking with mypy. See the .pre-commit-config.yaml.

To run these checks, execute the make lint command.


Heads up! Integration tests assume a hyper app and services have been created. See for details on creating hyper applications and services.

A storage service should have the following setup:

Search Service Config

Run the make test script to run the unit and integration tests.

Tag and Release

Bump the semver value within pyproject.toml. Create tag and push tag:

$ git tag v0.0.3
$ git push --tags

Now if you go to the repository on GitHub and navigate to the “Releases” tab, you should see the new tag.

Create a release from the tag in GitHub.



We can easily create an sdist and wheel of a package with poetry using the command poetry build. Both files are created in a directory named dist/. Those two new files are the sdist and wheel for our package.

$ poetry build


Publishing to TestPyPI

Do a “dry run” and check that everything works as expected by submitting to TestPyPi first. poetry has a publish command, which we can use to do this, however the default behavior is to publish to PyPI. So we need to add TestPyPI to the list of repositories poetry knows about using the following command:

$ poetry config repositories.test-pypi

To publish to TestPyPI we can use poetry publish (you will be prompted for your username and password for TestPyPI).

$ poetry publish -r test-pypi

Now we should be able to visit our package on TestPyPI:

We can try installing our package using pip from the command line with the following command:

$ pip install --index-url --extra-index-url hyper-connect


Publishing to PyPI

If you were able to upload your package to TestPyPI and install it without error, you’re ready to publish your package to PyPI. You can publish to PyPI using the poetry publish command without any arguments:

$ poetry publish

Your package will then be available on PyPI ( and can be installed by anyone using pip:


COMING SOON: Verify Signature

hyper Queue allows you to create a target web hook endpoint to receive jobs, in order to secure that endpoint to only receive jobs from hyper, you can implement a secret, this secret using sha256 to encode a nounce timestamp and a signature of the job payload. We created a function on hyper_connect to make it easier to implement your own middleware to validate these incoming jobs in a secure way.


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