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Releases: hydy100/R3nzSkin

15.5 ReSkin

05 Mar 07:17
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<


  • China.ReSkin_15.5.7zChina.ReSkin_15.5_new.7z仅支持中国服务器。
  • RiotServers.ReSkin_15.5_old.7z 是之前无UI的版本
  • RiotServers.ReSkin_15.5.7z采用了之前版本ReSkin.7z的设计,添加了与R3nzSkin完全相同的UI和功能。主要区别在于DLL和注入器是分开的,以避免文件释放引起的防病毒误报,防止使用问题。它是专门为RiotServers设计的,在中国服务器上使用它可能会导致帐户被禁止的风险。(目前韩国服务器也存在封禁风险,请谨慎使用)
  • China.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z采用了不同的实现方法,降低了被封禁的风险。
  • 如果您使用其他脚本或防封工具,亦或者打算在中国体验服使用,则只能使用China.ReSkin_15.5.7z ,但需要自行承担被封禁的风险。

Disclaimer:There is a risk of being banned on Chinese/KR servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

  • The China.ReSkin_15.5.7z , China.ReSkin_15.5_new.7z only supports Chinese servers.
  • The RiotServers.ReSkin_15.5_old.7z is the previous version without UI
  • The RiotServers.ReSkin_15.5.7z adopts the design of the previous version ReSkin.7z, Added a UI and functions exactly like R3nzSkin. The main difference is that the DLL and injector are separated to avoid antivirus false positives caused by file release, preventing usage issues. It’s specifically designed for RiotServers, using it on Chinese servers could lead to a risk of account bans.(Currently, Korean servers are also at risk of being banned, please use with caution)
  • The China.ReSkin_15.5_new.7z uses a different implementation method, reduced risk of getting banned.
  • If you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, or plan to use it on the Chinese trial server, you can only use China.ReSkin_15.5.7z, however, you must bear the risk of being banned at your own risk.

15.4 ReSkin

19 Feb 17:32
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<

  • China.ReSkin_15.4_new.7z仅支持中国服务器。
  • 其他旧版本依旧可用,详情请查看:15.2版本

  • The China.ReSkin_15.4_new.7z only supports Chinese servers.
  • Other old versions are still available, for details please refer to: Version 15.2.

15.2 ReSkin

20 Jan 18:14
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<


  • China.ReSkin_15.2.7zChina.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z仅支持中国服务器。
  • RiotServers.ReSkin_15.2_old.7z 是之前无UI的版本
  • RiotServers.ReSkin_15.2.7z采用了之前版本ReSkin.7z的设计,添加了与R3nzSkin完全相同的UI和功能。主要区别在于DLL和注入器是分开的,以避免文件释放引起的防病毒误报,防止使用问题。它是专门为RiotServers设计的,在中国服务器上使用它可能会导致帐户被禁止的风险。(目前韩国服务器也存在封禁风险,请谨慎使用)
  • China.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z采用了不同的实现方法,降低了被封禁的风险。
  • 如果您使用其他脚本或防封工具,亦或者打算在中国体验服使用,则只能使用China.ReSkin_15.2.7z ,但需要自行承担被封禁的风险。

Disclaimer:There is a risk of being banned on Chinese/KR servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

  • The China.ReSkin_15.2.7z , China.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z only supports Chinese servers.
  • RiotServers.ReSkin_15.2_old.7z is the previous version without UI
  • The RiotServers.ReSkin_15.2.7z adopts the design of the previous version ReSkin.7z, Added a UI and functions exactly like R3nzSkin. The main difference is that the DLL and injector are separated to avoid antivirus false positives caused by file release, preventing usage issues. It’s specifically designed for RiotServers, using it on Chinese servers could lead to a risk of account bans.(Currently, Korean servers are also at risk of being banned, please use with caution)
  • The China.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z uses a different implementation method, reduced risk of getting banned.
  • If you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, or plan to use it on the Chinese trial server, you can only use China.ReSkin_15.2.7z, however, you must bear the risk of being banned at your own risk.


  • China.ReSkin_15.2.7z,文件同上个版本的China.ReSkin_15.2_fixed.7z

2025/1/23 更新内容:

  • 由于国服热补丁的影响,China.ReSkin_15.2_new.7z已无法使用,请更换为 China.ReSkin_15.2_new_1.7z 文件

15.1.1 ReSkin

16 Jan 08:24
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  • 此次更新针对中国服务器,其他更多版本详情请查看:15.1
  • This update is for Chinese servers. For more details about other versions, please check: 15.1


  • 之前第一版的ChinaReSkin_new.7zChinaReSkin.7z版本存在可能三年封禁以及机器码封禁的问题,请更换带有fixed后缀的版本。
  • 之前第一版的ChinaReSkin_new.7zChinaReSkin.7z版本存在可能三年封禁以及机器码封禁的问题,请更换带有fixed后缀的版本。
  • 之前第一版的ChinaReSkin_new.7zChinaReSkin.7z版本存在可能三年封禁以及机器码封禁的问题,请更换带有fixed后缀的版本。


  • 由于我在发布时因为偷懒,且对本次风险的重视不足,未能及时提醒大家,对未及时更新至正常版本而遭遇封禁的玩家深表歉意。
  • 下次如果再次出现此类重大风险,我会在得知后的第一时间发布新版,以确保尽可能多的用户及时收到提醒。
  • 关于机器码的相关说明,请参考:#291 (comment)


  • China.ReSkin_15.1_fixed_1.7z修复之前版本ChinaReSkin.fixed.7z对于国测服无效的问题。
  • China.ReSkin_15.1_new_fixed.7z统一格式更名处理,文件同上个版本的ChinaReSkin_new.fixed.7z


  • China.ReSkin_15.2_fixed.7z修复因国测服更新导致China.ReSkin_15.1_fixed_1.7z无效的问题,此版本目前只对国测服生效。

15.1 ReSkin

09 Jan 06:07
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<


  • ChinaReSkin.7zChinaReSkin_new.7z仅支持中国服务器。
  • RiotServersReSkin_old.7z 是之前无UI的版本
  • RiotServersReSkin.7z采用了之前版本ReSkin.7z的设计,添加了与R3nzSkin完全相同的UI和功能。主要区别在于DLL和注入器是分开的,以避免文件释放引起的防病毒误报,防止使用问题。它是专门为RiotServers设计的,在中国服务器上使用它可能会导致帐户被禁止的风险。(目前韩国服务器也存在封禁风险,请谨慎使用)
  • ChinaReSkin_new.7z采用了不同的实现方法,降低了被封禁的风险。
  • 如果您使用其他脚本或防封工具,亦或者打算在中国体验服使用,则只能使用ChinaReSkin.7z ,但需要自行承担被封禁的风险。

Disclaimer:There is a risk of being banned on Chinese/KR servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

  • The ChinaReSkin.7z , ChinaReSkin_new.7z only supports Chinese servers.
  • RiotServersReSkin_old.7z is the previous version without UI
  • The RiotServersReSkin.7z adopts the design of the previous version ReSkin.7z, Added a UI and functions exactly like R3nzSkin. The main difference is that the DLL and injector are separated to avoid antivirus false positives caused by file release, preventing usage issues. It’s specifically designed for RiotServers, using it on Chinese servers could lead to a risk of account bans.(Currently, Korean servers are also at risk of being banned, please use with caution)
  • The ChinaReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method, reduced risk of getting banned.
  • If you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, or plan to use it on the Chinese trial server, you can only use ChinaReSkin.7z, however, you must bear the risk of being banned at your own risk.


Update: Fixed bugs, added three forms of Sett’s new skin, and corrected the description of the three forms of Jinx’s new skin.

14.24 ReSkin

11 Dec 07:20
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<


  • ChinaReSkin.7zChinaReSkin_new.7z仅支持中国服务器,更新了金克斯的三种形态。
  • RiotServersReSkin.7zRiotServersReSkin_old.7z 更新了新的双城之战防御塔(祖安风格和皮城风格)以及金克斯的三种形态。
  • RiotServersReSkin_old.7z 是之前无UI的版本
  • RiotServersReSkin.7z采用了之前版本ReSkin.7z的设计,添加了与R3nzSkin完全相同的UI和功能。主要区别在于DLL和注入器是分开的,以避免文件释放引起的防病毒误报,防止使用问题。它是专门为RiotServers设计的,在中国服务器上使用它可能会导致帐户被禁止的风险。(目前韩国服务器也存在封禁风险,请谨慎使用)
  • ChinaReSkin_new.7z采用了不同的实现方法,降低了被封禁的风险。
  • ChinaReSkin_new.Update_1.7z修复了因为热补丁更新导致闪退的问题。
  • 如果您使用其他脚本或防封工具,亦或者打算在中国体验服使用,则只能使用ChinaReSkin.7z ,但需要自行承担被封禁的风险。

Disclaimer:There is a risk of being banned on Chinese/KR servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

  • The ChinaReSkin.7z , ChinaReSkin_new.7z only supports Chinese servers, updated Jinx’s three forms.
  • RiotServersReSkin_old.7z is the previous version without UI
  • The RiotServersReSkin.7z, RiotServersReSkin_old.7z updated with new Arcane style turrets (Zunan style and Piltover style), and Jinx’s three forms.
  • The RiotServersReSkin.7z adopts the design of the previous version ReSkin.7z, Added a UI and functions exactly like R3nzSkin. The main difference is that the DLL and injector are separated to avoid antivirus false positives caused by file release, preventing usage issues. It’s specifically designed for RiotServers, using it on Chinese servers could lead to a risk of account bans.(Currently, Korean servers are also at risk of being banned, please use with caution)
  • The ChinaReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method, reduced risk of getting banned.
  • The ChinaReSkin_new.Update_1.7z fixes the crash issue caused by hot patch update.
  • If you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, or plan to use it on the Chinese trial server, you can only use ChinaReSkin.7z, however, you must bear the risk of being banned at your own risk.

14.23 ReSkin

20 Nov 10:02
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  • The China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method.
  • Older versions from other releases are still compatible with version 14.22.
  • For more details, please check : 14.22



14.22 ReSkin

06 Nov 05:46
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Version 14.22-14.23 works normally(Except for China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z)

>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<

  • The China.Injection.ReSkin.7z , China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z only supports ChinaServer
  • The RiotServersReSkin.7z supports RiotGamesServers,I've restored the functionality from the previous version, keeping all features of R3nzSkin, but I'm unsure if it might lead to a ban.
  • The RiotServersReSkin_new.7z fixed the issue where the default minion skin was set to the Arcane skin, but after injection, it would revert to the original skin, as well as the problem where turret skin changing was ineffective
  • The China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method.
  • The ReSkin.7z added a UI and functions exactly like R3nzSkin. The main difference is that the DLL and injector are separated to avoid antivirus false positives caused by file release, preventing usage issues. The underlying method is the same as RiotServersReSkin, but it’s specifically designed for RiotServers. Using it on Chinese servers could lead to a risk of account bans.
  • However, if you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, you can only use China.Injection.ReSkin.7z.

There is a risk of being banned on Chinese servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

14.21 ReSkin

23 Oct 06:24
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>Instructions for use< | >使用说明<

  • The China.Injection.ReSkin.7z , China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z only supports ChinaServer
  • The RiotServersReSkin.7z supports RiotGamesServers,I've restored the functionality from the previous version, keeping all features of R3nzSkin, but I'm unsure if it might lead to a ban.
  • The China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method.
  • However, if you're using other scripts or anti-ban tools, you can only use China.Injection.ReSkin.7z.

There is a risk of being banned on Chinese servers, so please use it with caution,if you can't accept this risk, please do not use it.

14.20 ReSkin

09 Oct 12:03
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  • The China.Injection.ReSkin_new.7z uses a different implementation method.
  • Older versions from other releases are still compatible with version 14.20.
  • For more details, please check : 14.17