Write GDScript code directly in your Rust code. Based on the amazing inline-python
fn _ready(&self, _owner: TRef<Node>) {
gdscript! {
print("hello world from", " GDScript")
for c in "test":
let x: String = gdscript! {
print("inline GDScript blocks can also return values")
return "it can " + "indeed"
godot_print!("{}", x);
let x = "can also go from Rust to GDScript";
gdscript! {
var x: Node = '_owner
let mut ctx: Context = gdscript! {
func my_function() -> float:
print("in my_function()")
return sin(12.0)
godot_dbg!(ctx.call("my_function", &[]));
To use Rust variables within a gdscript!
macro, use the "lifetime"/"label" syntax 'name
Any variable that gets passed between Rust and gdscript!
must implement OwnedToVariant
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed under the MIT license, without any additional terms or conditions.