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Type-safe JSON serialization and deserialization for C++17 and later


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Type-safe JSON persistence for C++17 and later

This header-only library for C++17 and later provides type-safe serialization of C++ objects into JSON strings, and deserialization of JSON strings to C++ objects.


  • Header-only.
  • Compile-time correctness.
  • (De-)serialize fundamental types bool, short, int, long, float, double, etc. to/from their respective JSON type.
  • (De-)serialize time_point<system_clock> type to/from an ISO 8601 date-time string in time zone UTC.
  • (De-)serialize year_month_day type to/from an ISO 8601 date string (C++20 and later only).
  • (De-)serialize enumeration types as their underlying integer type or as string (with auxiliary helper functions to_string and from_string).
  • (De-)serialize vector<std::byte> type to/from a Base64-encoded string.
  • (De-)serialize heterogeneous pair<T1,T2> and tuple<T...> to/from a JSON array.
  • (De-)serialize container types vector<T>, array<T, N>, set<T>, etc. to/from a JSON array.
  • (De-)serialize dictionary types map<string, T> and unordered_map<string, T> to/from a JSON object.
  • Serialize variant types to their stored type. De-serialize variant types using the first matching type.
  • (De-)serialize class types by enumerating their member variables.
  • Omit JSON object field for missing value in optional<T>.
  • Skip missing JSON object field for variable with default member initializer in a C++ class.
  • (De-)serialize pointer types such as shared_ptr<T> and unique_ptr<T>.
  • Back-reference support for (de-)serialization of C++ pointer types via JSON pointer {"$ref": "/path/to/previous/occurrence"}.
  • Serialize C++ objects that share pointers only once. De-serialize back-references as C++ pointers to the same object.
  • Can use the reflection library Boost.Describe for parsing, writing and (de-)serializing enumerations as strings.

Design goals

Intuitive syntax

  1. Define member variables for JSON serialization and de-serialization within the class definition:

    struct Example
        bool bool_value = false;
        std::string string_value;
        std::vector<std::string> string_list;
        std::optional<int> optional_value;
        UserDefinedType custom_value;
        template <typename Archive>
        constexpr auto persist(Archive& ar)
            return ar
                & MEMBER_VARIABLE(bool_value)
                & MEMBER_VARIABLE(string_value)
                & MEMBER_VARIABLE(string_list)
                & MEMBER_VARIABLE(optional_value)
                & MEMBER_VARIABLE(custom_value)
  2. Serialize an object to a JSON string:

    Example obj = { true, "string", {"a","b","c"}, std::nullopt, {"xyz"} };
    auto json = write_to_string(obj);

    in which the variable json holds:

        "bool_value": true,
        "string_value": "string",
        "string_list": ["a", "b", "c"],
        "custom_value": {"value": "xyz"}
  3. Parse a JSON string into an object of the given type:

    Example res = parse<Example>(json);

Easy to use

  • Copy the include folder to your project's header include path, no build or installation required.
  • Get started by including <persistence/persistence.hpp>, which enables all features.
  • Selectively include headers such as <persistence/write_object.hpp> to tackle a specific use case:
    • Use <persistence/write_*.hpp> for writing a C++ object to a string.
    • Use <persistence/parse_*.hpp> for parsing a string into a C++ object.
    • Use <persistence/serialize_*.hpp> for serializing a C++ object to a JSON DOM document.
    • Use <persistence/deserialize_*.hpp> for de-serializing a JSON DOM document into a C++ object.
  • Use <persistence/*_all.hpp> to import all supported data types for an operation type.
  • Use <persistence/object.hpp> to import helper macro MEMBER_VARIABLE only.
  • Use <persistence/utility.hpp> to import helper functions to convert between JSON DOM document and JSON string.


Add new template specializations to support (de-)serializing new types:

  • Specialize JsonWriter<T> to support writing new C++ types to JSON string.
  • Specialize JsonParser<T> to support parsing new C++ types from JSON string.
  • Specialize JsonSerializer<T> to serialize new C++ types to JSON DOM.
  • Specialize JsonDeserializer<T> to deserialize new C++ types from JSON DOM.

(De-)serialize, parse and write enumeration types as strings by defining value-to-string and string-to-value conversions.

Fast and efficient

  • Built on top of RapidJSON.
  • Uses RapidJSON SAX interface for writing and parsing JSON strings directly, bypassing the JSON DOM.
  • Uses perfect hashing during parsing to look up the member variable corresponding to a JSON object property name.
  • Uses a polymorphic stack to reduce dynamic memory allocations on heap.
  • Infers type and range compatibility at compile-time when possible.
  • Unrolls loops at compile-time for bounded-length data structures such as pairs, tuples and object properties.


  • Uses standard C++17 features only (with the exception of RapidJSON engine).
  • Compiles on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
  • Compiles with Clang and MSVC.

Data transformation modes

The library supports several transformation modes:

  • writing a C++ object directly to a string (without JSON DOM):
    std::string str = write_to_string(obj);
  • parsing a string directly into a C++ object (without JSON DOM):
    auto obj = parse<T>(str);
  • serializing a C++ object to a JSON DOM document:
    rapidjson::Document doc = serialize_to_document(obj);
  • de-serializing a JSON DOM document into a C++ object:
    auto obj = deserialize<T>(doc);
  • writing a JSON DOM document to a string (with utility function document_to_string)
  • parsing a JSON DOM document from a string (with utility function string_to_document)
  • serializing a C++ object to a JSON DOM, and then writing the JSON DOM to a string:
    rapidjson::Document doc = serialize_to_document(obj);
    std::string str = document_to_string(doc);
  • reading a string into a JSON DOM, and then de-serializing the data from JSON DOM into a C++ object:
    rapidjson::Document doc = string_to_document(str);
    auto obj = deserialize<T>(doc);

Default member initializers

If a class has a default member initializer, the value of that member variable is assigned when the object is constructed. As a result, these member variables can be treated as if they were optional for JSON de-serialization and parsing; when the corresponding object key is missing in the source JSON, processing can continue without error. Use the macro MEMBER_VARIABLE_DEFAULT to indicate that omitting the JSON property corresponding to this member variable is allowed:

struct Default
    template <typename Archive>
    constexpr auto persist(Archive& ar)
        return ar
            & MEMBER_VARIABLE_DEFAULT(value)

    std::string value = "default";

The same technique can be applied to member variables whose value is assigned in the default constructor.

Defining persistence in derived classes

The following example illustrates how to define the persist function in a derived class that inherits members from a base class and defines additional member variables of its own:

struct Base
    template <typename Archive>
    constexpr auto persist(Archive& ar)
        return ar
            & MEMBER_VARIABLE(base_member)

    std::string base_member;

struct Derived : Base
    template <typename Archive>
    constexpr auto persist(Archive& ar)
        return this->Base::persist(ar)
            & MEMBER_VARIABLE(derived_member)

    std::string derived_member;

Enumeration to string conversion

In order to (de-)serialize, parse and write enumeration types as strings, define value-to-string and string-to-value conversions with the type trait class enum_traits:

namespace persistence
    struct enum_traits<MyEnum>
        static std::string_view to_string(MyEnum value)
            // return a distinct string literal for each enumeration value
            return std::string_view();

        static bool from_string(const std::string_view& name, MyEnum& value)
            // assign enumeration value based on string literal
            value = MyEnum();

            // return true if value has been assigned; false on no match
            return true;

Use utility function make_enum_converter and class EnumConverter<E, N> to implement to_string and from_string with less boilerplate code.

If the reflection library Boost.Describe is enabled, provide reflection metadata for enumerations with BOOST_DESCRIBE_ENUM. The string names assigned with this macro are used in parsing, writing and (de-)serializing enumerations.

In order to enable Boost.Describe reflections, compile your project with the preprocessor macro PERSISTENCE_BOOST_DESCRIBE. Make sure the following headers are available:

#include <boost/describe/enum_to_string.hpp>
#include <boost/describe/enum_from_string.hpp>

Error reporting

Functions that take both a source and a target object reference return a boolean result and throw no exceptions. Functions that take only a source argument and return a target object value throw exceptions on error.

Consider the following C++ code that invokes the parser:

try {
    parse<Example>("{\"bool_value\": true, []}");
} catch (JsonParseError& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

There is a syntax error in the JSON string. Running the above code prints:

parse error at offset 21: Missing a name for object member.

Take another example with a mismatch for the property value type:

try {
    parse<Example>("{\"bool_value\": true, \"string_value\": []}");
} catch (JsonParseError& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

Even though the above JSON string is syntactically correct, a JSON array cannot be cast into a C++ string, which produces an error:

parse error at offset 38: Terminate parsing due to Handler error.

Similarly, the deserializer not only reports the nature of the error encountered but also its location with a JSON Pointer. Consider the following:

try {
            "\"bool_value\": true,"
            "\"string_value\": \"lorem ipsum\","
            "\"string_list\": [\"a\",23]"
} catch (JsonDeserializationError& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

Notice how the second element of string_list (a C++ vector<string>) has the wrong data type: a JSON number instead of a JSON string. The error message identifies the location: /string_list to select the property in the root object and /1 to identify the second element in the array (with zero-based indexing):

wrong JSON data type; expected: string at /string_list/1

Generating JSON schema

The library understands the most common C++ types and can emit corresponding JSON Schema types. For example, take the following C++ code:

std::cout << schema_document_to_string<Example>() << std::endl;

In this case, the output may look like as follows:

    "$schema": "",
    "definitions": {
        "UserDefinedType": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "value": { "type": "string" }
            "required": ["value"],
            "additionalProperties": false
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "bool_value": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "string_value": {
            "type": "string"
        "string_list": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": { "type": "string" }
        "optional_value": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": -2147483648,
            "maximum": 2147483647
        "custom_value": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/UserDefinedType"
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": false


The following table shows relative performance of writing, parsing and (de-)serializing a C++ vector object of 100,000 elements. Each element is a composite object holding (vectors of) boolean, integer and string values. When represented as JSON, the string takes approximately 100 MB. DOM is the Document object constructed by RapidJSON when de-serializing a JSON string.

Case Operation Duration
1 write object to string 310 ms
2 parse object from string 672 ms
3 serialize DOM to string 336 ms
4 deserialize DOM from string 411 ms
5 serialize object to DOM 223 ms
6 deserialize object from DOM with exceptions disabled 365 ms
7 deserialize object from DOM with exceptions enabled 386 ms

Cases 1 and 2 capture the end-to-end performance of this header-only library. Cases 3 and 4 reflect functionality provided by RapidJSON out of the box, and act as reference values; accessors are needed to get data out of DOM instead of manipulating C++ objects directly. Cases 5, 6 and 7 help estimate the relative cost of (de-)serializing an object to/from DOM, as a step towards a JSON string. Comparison of Case 1 with Cases 3 + 5, and of Case 2 with Cases 4 + (6 or 7) gives an estimate of the savings gained by translating from a C++ object directly to/from a JSON string.

Limitations and workarounds

JSON parser does not support back-references ({"$ref": "/path/to/previous/occurrence"}); parsing pointer-like types always creates a new instance. When back-references are present, read the JSON string into a JSON DOM with the utility function string_to_document, and then de-serialize the data from JSON DOM with deserialize.

Parsing and de-serializing raw pointers is not permitted due to lack of clarity around ownership. Use unique_ptr and shared_ptr instead. Writing and serializing raw pointers is allowed, the pointee object is written.

JSON parser does not support variant types. Instead, read the JSON string into a JSON DOM with the utility function string_to_document, and then de-serialize the data from JSON DOM with deserialize. JSON writer, serializer and de-serializer support variant types.

Comparison to other libraries

Unlike Boost.JSON and nlohmann/json, this library does not introduce a variant JSON value type whose contents you can manipulate with accessors at run time. Instead, this library uses the original C++ data types, and employs compile-time inference to perform the appropriate action on parsing, writing and (de-)serialization.


Type-safe JSON serialization and deserialization for C++17 and later






