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Android application for patients to learn and discuss, contacts doctors

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Gestation 3D

An Android application

Tools and Technologies Used

  • Andriod Studio ( for application Development )
  • Unity 3D ( For Augmented, Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling )
  • Vuforia Sdk ( Augmented Reality)
  • Firebase Database ( User a and Location Management)
  • SQLite ( for serving offline data)
  • Google Maps Api (Displaying User Location and Hospitals Locations)
  • Google Cardbox ( For VR )


A user will download Gestation 3D from app store. He/she will make his/her profile in the
application. Then the user will be taken through an overview of the application and described all 
the features of Gestation 3D and how they can be used. Using Gestation 3D, the user will be
given a textual introduction to gestation period in 2D using simple images and text. In the next
step, user can view baby’s development that is divided into different stages and at each stage user
can view the guide about ideal diets and exercises at each stage. In the next step, the user can view
the whole gestation process in 3D using virtual reality. Furthermore, the process of handling the
baby can be viewed by the user in augmented reality. Using the baby as the marker, the user can
view options on how to handle baby in situation like feeding, carrying and lying down. After
learning about the process, user can also take a quiz about the gestation period as well as the
handling of the baby. This way he can evaluate his knowledge on the subject. Now if the user is a
pregnant woman and in an unknown place or city, she can get locations of the nearby hospitals in
case an emergency situation arises. 


M1: User Management

The purpose of this module is to make a profile for the user who downloads and installs Gestation 3D on his smartphone. The user will give his/her personal details.

M2: 2D Guide

The information regarding the gestation period would be displayed in simple textual format along with related images

M3: 3D Models

This module includes the 3D view of all gestation period stages that will be rotatable and the user can look at different parts along with the information on that part.

M4: Virtual Reality Tour

The purpose of this module is to display all of the stages of gestation period summed up in a video that user can view in virtual reality and see the process of the baby’s development from fetus to a fully-grown baby inside the womb.

M5: Baby Handling (AR)

This module would show the handling of the baby in different situations like sleeping, carrying and feeding in augmented reality.

M6: Health Guide

This module would describe ideal diet plans along with the exercises at each development phase during the gestation period.

M7: Nearby Hospitals

This module of Gestation 3D will help women who are in need of a doctor to easily locate a hospital within their 10 Km radius.

M8: Help Guide

This module would guide the user whenever a user needs some guidance related to any part of Gestation 3D. The user would be navigated using text and images.

System Limitations/Constraints

It will only act as a guidance and will not completely replace the doctor. The diets and exercises
described in the software are for the ideal conditions. Gestation 3D will require internet
connection and would require the user to be logged in. The baby development shown in
Gestation 3D are only for ideal conditions and does not take into account women’s physical,
psychological or environmental factor. Gestation 3D does not show the development of twin
babies. The augmented reality handling of the baby can only be done through the available
functions of Gestation 3D. The location of the nearby hospitals depends on how accurately
the user’s position is detected through the phone’s GPS.

How to Use

pull the repository and build project in Andriod Studio 2.3.3 orr higher version and Build Apk file


Android application for patients to learn and discuss, contacts doctors






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