Releases: huhx0015/HXAudioPlayer
Releases · huhx0015/HXAudioPlayer
- HXMusicEngine: Fixed null pointer and illegal state exception error when setting nextMediaPlayer.
- HXSoundEngine: Fixed issue with sound effects failing to play on certain devices running Android 6.0+ after repeated outputs.
- HXMusicEngine: Offloaded nextPlayerPreparedListener.onPrepared and nextPlayerCompletionListener.onCompletion to separate threads to minimize potential ANR incidences.
- HXMusicEngine: Addressed IllegalStateException issues when isPlaying() and setLooping() is called.
- Updated library target SDK to 27. Updated support dependencies on sample app.
- pauseMusic(): Added try/catch statement to handle IllegalStateException error that could occur if attempting to pause a MediaPlayer object that has already been released.
- stopMusic(): Added try/catch statement to handle IllegalStateException error that could occur if attempting to stop a MediaPlayer object that has already been released.
- playSoundFx(): Fixed issue with sound looping not working. An incorrect value of 1 was being set when enabled, value has been set to -1.
- initMusicEngine(): Added try/catch statement around currentPlayer.isPlaying() to address any illegal state exception errors.
- Updated build and target SDK to 26.
- HXAudioPlayerUtils:
- enableSystemSounds(): Added additional exception catches to handle NullPointerException and SecurityException.
- enableSystemSounds(): Marked as deprecated, will be removed in the next major release of HXAudioPlayer.
- pauseSounds(): Added additional null pointer check for MediaPlayer object to address crashes seen in reports.
- HXAudioPlayerUtils: Added try/catch to handle any additional exceptions that may occur when attempting to access the AudioManager.