This is a project for my personal photobook pages generation. It is to serve the purpose of making photobook for kid's school life.
This app shall output a batch of images of individual pages, which can be uploaded to existing web-based photobook printing services to make physical photobooks. Alternatively, you may combine them to PDF by yourself and pass to offline printing company. This is NOT an online or digital photobook generator, nor presenter.
Despite that it is meant for offline printing, pictures generated are still sRGB, and source images are also expected to be sRGB. Most online printing services also do not support other color profiles or handle them well. For offline printing, you may need convert them to CMYK by yourself, based on individual printing company's requirement.
It generates pages for two parts:
A. Monthly calendars, with school daily check-in and and check-out photos. For absent days or any day without photos, it supports pre-defined placeholder icons.
B. Ad-hoc activity photos. One activity can have multiple pages, based on number of photos there. It supports meta information displayed on the first page, and photos placed underneath the meta information as well as on subsequent pages.
As this is auto generated, currently it is programmed as maximum 2 photos underneath the meta information in the first page, and maximum 4 photos for subsequent pages for one activity. This is not configurable at current stage, though you may minor adjust them (see
in project config file. Refer to "Config Your Own Photobook Project" section for details). There is also no photo re-ordering or manually updating the layouts at current moment.
This app is created based on picture files and information that can be extracted from LittleLives, which Singapore's PCF Sparkletots Preschool was using for parent-teacher communication and daily trackings. LittleLives itself offers functionality of batch photo download for both calendar part (individual months) and activity part (all photos for a period - you need re-organise them to individual activities).
From 2024 onwards, PCF Sparkletots has switched to a customised app done by Qoqolo. For activities, you may organise the images in the same way; for calendar, you may need additional script to crawl, rename and organize the images, if you do not wish to do the tedious job manually. See Project qoqolo-check-in-out-spider.
This project is based on tauri
, which relies on rust
Install rust
or update it to latest version if you have installed previously. If you installed via brew
, do brew update
npm install
npm run tauri dev
It should directly open Tauri app.
Note that if you run npm run dev
, you may still open it in browser http://localhost:5173/
. However, browser cannot directly retrieve files from local drive; that functionality is based on Tauri, and running from browser won't work.
Please navigate to /src/projects
folder. Duplicate demo_project.config.ts
and make your own file. Update index.ts
You are required to pre-organise them in the following manner. For each project, you should have one folder for "Calendar" part, and one folder for "Activity" part. These folder paths (aka. baseFolder) is configurable in the project config file.
This program is done on Mac. Windows case is not tested.
For above demo, 24 Jul and 26 Jul are deliberately to omit the check-in / check-out photos respectively, to simulate the case that the system does not record one of them, for cases like system breakdown.
For Calendar photos, the image files need have names in yyyy-mm-dd-in.jpg
or yyyy-mm-dd-out.jpg
format. Program needs be able to extract the date and "in/out" information from every file-name.
It is recommended to do in the following way, despite that separate them into month folders are not required:
+ My Kid's 2023 Check-in Check-out Photos
+ 2023-01
- 2023-01-02-in.jpg
- 2023-01-02-out.jpg
- 2023-01-03-in.jpg
- 2023-01-03-out.jpg
- ...
+ 2023-02
- ...
- ...
Filename format parsing is not included in the project config file (as it is meant to be exportable to JSON in the future). You may refer to /src/partials/CanvasMulti/configs/calendar.ts
if you need update it.
LittleLives: Above demonstrated image filenames is indeed the same filename format when you mass output the check-in and check-out images from LittleLives.
Qoqolo: There is no batch export function for Qoqolo. If you manually save each image by yourself (not recommended, very tedious), you need rename the image files to above-mentioned format as the default filename is a random string. (See Project qoqolo-check-in-out-spider)
Page 1 | Page 2 |
![]() |
![]() |
For activity photos, images are required to be organised in sub-folders based on activities:
+ My Kid's 2023 Activity Photos
+ 2023_01_10 Activity 1
- activity_1_photo_1.jpg
- activity_1_photo_2.jpg
- activity_1_photo_3.jpg
- ...
+ 2023_01_21 Activity 2
- activity_1_photo_1.jpg
- activity_1_photo_2.jpg
+ ...
+ ...
It is suggested to organise them ad-hocly, e.g. once a month, and proofreading yourself for the content to be included in, instead of to have all to organise in one shot at the end of a year.
For each activity's folder, it is required to have date information included in the folder name, or that folder shall be omitted. The date format can be yyyy_mm_dd
as above, or alternatively, yyyy-mm-dd
or yyyymmdd
. Other parts in folder name are for your own reference only. Title will only be extracted from h2 (##) line.
For image filenames, any name shall work (which the default filesnames from LittleLives are random strings). Howerver for activity, it is required to have a
for activity details and include it in the activity folder, so that program can display the title, description etc. on the first page meta section. Filename must be
README file content format is as follows. Note that for h3 (###) headings, you need make it exactly the same as what is having below. For "Objectives", "Description" and "Developments", if you don't have the content, please leave "N.A." or empty. DO NOT leave "-" there as Markdown will treat it as a list.
## My Activity Title
### Objectives
After the activity, my kid will be able to do xxx.
### Description
The teacher will demonstrate .....
### Developments
(EY) Social & Emotional Development
(EY) Early Language and Pre-Literacy Development
### Meta
Xxx Teacher: Teacher A, Teacher B
Activity Timestamp: 2023-10-28 15:20
Publish Timestamp: 2023-10-31 19:54
For "Meta" part, it now consists of the three parts:
Teacher: program will check the presence of "teacher:". If have multiples, split them with ",".
Activity Timestamp and Publish Timestamp: timestamps are to display as is. If don't have the information, just omit the lines.
Qoqolo Case: Qoqolo system does not register activity timestamp. You may still manually deduce them if the image filenames contain the information, depending on teachers' device and software used; if not the case, you may have to remove the "Activity Timestamp" line. Note that teacher may upload photos a few days later after the event.
It is suggested to use VSCode. You may install related plugins for prettier
and tailwindCSS
This is a personal project, so there are a lot of hard-coded parts as well as practices based on my personal habit. It is not meant for any generic solution -- at least not yet.
It is currently developed on Mac for Photobook with pages 20x20cm (8" x 8"). Despite that it is configurable at config files, other cases are not tried and tested. If you are making a larger square book, you may simply increase the DPI in the config files; however if your photobook is not square, please make sure that it is checked for each page's layout (including exported images). I cannot guarantee that it will not overflow.
You may take additional caution on calendars. Please check that the content does not overflow and exceed the border / bleeding marks (you may enable bleed marks at config files), especially for months that may cross 6 weeks' spans (aka. 6 rows). It is deliberate to have rows without any photo to have a smaller height.
A non-square horizontal book may also cause it to overflow; too-long texts in the cell may also result in so (depending on what you put for the labels in configs.pageConfig.calendar.specialDays
). Perform final proof with exported images too, for the reason as stated in "Fonts" part below.
Font is setup at tailwind.config.ts
in root folder. Do check the export images, especially if you change the fonts.
Image generation is done via converting HTML to canvas with some open-sourced library. Ligature for some fonts may not work properly or as expected at this part. This may make it less aesthetically appealing, and even overflows as letter spacing may be affected.
Project qoqolo-check-in-out-spider: Allow you to fetch the daily check-in-out images in one shot from Qoqolo, and rename them so that they can be used for photobook here as calendar part.