Data2Excel version 0.5
Author: [email protected]
Note : transform plain text data to Excel (.xlsx)
- mvn assembly:assembly
usage: java -jar Data2Excel.jar [-c] [-F ] [-f ] [-h] -i [-o ] [-p ] [-s ]
-c,--color To open the color display in the output file. [not using]
-F,--field_split <String> The field split char in one line [\t]
-f,--format <FILE> The format file to set sheet column style. [not using]
-h,--help Print this help.
-i,--input <FILE> Input plain text files. Support multiple files input(example:"-i file1 -i file2")
-o,--output <FILE> Output Excel file, multi input will be writed into different sheets in the same workbook. [file1.xlsx]
-p,--print_sheet <INT> The index(0-base) of Sheet to print. Be effective when the input is excel file. [print sheet name]
-s,--sheet_name <String> To set sheet name. When have more than one files, you need use it as "-s name1,name2". [not using]
Must be tab split file.
#DefaultRowHeight = 400
#fieldName type ColumnWidth InExcel
row_name1 STRING 6000 true
row_name2 INT 4000 true
row_name3 INT 4000 true