the “GodEye” field biometric identification system based on aliyun link Develop platform. To know more please turn to watch the readme.txt.
1.Bone-web webApp: We can input ''bone start'' to run the Web in command-window. Welcome to watch ./Bone-web/app/pages/home/index.js.
2.Descending_Control_from_web: Python reads the meassage of JSON files and send them to RaspberryPi by socket protocol.
3.godEyeTest_OpenCamera: Python starts the easy-recognition program on local for testing.
4.linkdevelop-webapp-device: Sending the camera-device message to clouds based on node.js SDk.
5.RaspberryPi _code: Python receives the coordinate of the object which has been recognized and controls several steering engines named Sg90 to track.
6.Recogniton_code: The main program of recognition based on tensorflow_modules through Python.