Releases: hsravat-4590/SecureChatroom
Releases · hsravat-4590/SecureChatroom
Submission Release
- SSL Encryption between server and client
- E2EE Encryption between each client
- Implemented JCommander for better commandline interaction
Intial Working Version
Secure Chatroom 1.0.0
This is an initial working version of a chatroom application although not currently secure.
- Three modes available: Server, Client, Server+Client
- Material Design UI for Client operations
- Pretty verbose terminal logging
- Messages support markdown formatting
Known bugs/issues
- Sockets are not currently secured
- Webview does not remember scroll position so it auto scrolls to top when a message is sent/recieved
- Concurrent Modification exceptions are being thrown as a result of multiple threads trying to read
Map<String,Connection> connections
. This is causing issues particularly when someone joins or leaves