A robot that uses fiducial markers (ArUco) to obtain the relative position to the marker and adjusts its position using PID control to follow the moving marker. You can find also separately the modelling of a DC motor which we used on SSFR.
Get the Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Mate Installation for your Rpi: https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/
Install git:
$ sudo apt-get install git
Install OpenCV with Python in the Rpi in order to make use of the ArUco library:
$ sudo apt-get install python-opencv
Clone the repository anywhere you want:
$ git clone https://github.com/hpoleselo/SSFR.git
If you want to check how we retrieve the model for the control, check the folder PlantModel
with MATLAB.
Check the file [linque] to the next time we decide building a robot from scratch...
- Henrique Poleselo - hpoleselo
- Jesse de Oliveira Santana Alves - Jessalves11
- Luis Gustavo Nunes Christensen - Goustaf
Humberto Xavier de Araujo