This proposed model aims to classify lung computerised tomography (CT) scans into 3 anoynmised catergories using an ensemble of 3 models MobileNetV2, Xception and ResNet152V2. This approach achieved 94.52% accuracy on an unseen test set.
- python >= 3.7.9
- virtualenv
The instructions below trains and evaluates the proposed model on the lung CT dataset.
Setup virtual environment.
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Download the dataset and unzip the files to your desired location.
unzip -a
NOTE: Verify directory structure.
├── train_image/ │ └── train_image/ │ └── .png ├── test_image/ │ └── test_image/ │ └── .png ├── train_label.csv └── ...
Assign the path of the unzipped dataset chosen in step 2 to SRC_PATH in the
Execute script to train models and make predictions on test dataset.
NOTE: The Lung CT scan dataset is a private dataset.
This code comes with tensorboard support to track the loss curves and evaluation metrics of the proposed model. Launch tensorboard using this command below.
tensorboard --logdir=logs
This code comes with a companion jupyter notebook tune.ipynb
to visualise the output of the data preprocessing and to select the best hyperparameters to train each model.
Execute the same steps 1-3 from Quick Start above.
Launch jupyter.
jupyter lab
- The images are first enhanced using a technique called Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) to improve contrast of the CT scans.
- Data augmentation techniques, random flips and rotations are used to improve diversity of the small dataset
- Each of the 3 models (MobileNetV2, Xception and ResNet152V2) are pretrained on the imagenet dataset and used as feature extractors. The models are then fine tuned by unfreezing some layers.
- K-fold cross validation is used to select the best hyperparameters for each model which are then used to train a integrated stacked ensemble model.