MongoDB Atlas is a Cloud-hosted MongoDB service on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Deploy, operate, and scale a MongoDB database in just a few clicks. Or, you can use Terraform.
The reason is simple.
- Automate your pipeline end-to-end
- Ensure auditability by tracking all applies
- Establish controls for who can apply changes
- terraform ready on your local machine
- MongoDB atlas account API keys ready
Main commands:
init Prepare your working directory for other commands
validate Check whether the configuration is valid
plan Show changes required by the current configuration
apply Create or update infrastructure
destroy Destroy previously-created infrastructure
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ terraform destroy
For more,
$ terraform -help
You can follow below steps to launch a mongodb atlas cluster quickly.
- ensure your github/mongodb atlas accounts ready
- generate mongodb atlas api keys (public and private key)
- git clone this repository to your local
- edit terraform.tfvars
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
If you would like to gather more terraform logs, you should declare this environment variable.
If you would like to destroy the mongodb cluster, you should type below
$ terraform destroy
- edit terraform provider information in
source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas"
I noticed that the source information must be filled in, otherwise terraform cannot find the mongodbatlas provider successfully.
provider "mongodbatlas" {
public_key = var.atlas_public_key
private_key = var.atlas_private_key
In provider "mongodbatlas" block, I defined 2 variables - atlas_public_key and atlas_private_key for access MongoDB Atlas API. how to generate this 2 keys? please check this link -
# Define Terraform provider
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.12"
required_providers {
mongodbatlas = {
source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas"
version = "0.8.2"
# Define the MongoDB Atlas Provider
provider "mongodbatlas" {
public_key = var.atlas_public_key
private_key = var.atlas_private_key
- edit
You have to go to your mongodb atlas console to generate a API key, then you have to store private key locally for later use.
variable "atlas_public_key" {
type = string
description = "MongoDB Atlas Public Key"
variable "atlas_private_key" {
type = string
description = "MongoDB Atlas Private Key"
- edit your
There are 5 blocks you have to edit to create a MongoDB cluster.
# Create a Project
resource "mongodbatlas_project" "atlas-project" {
org_id = var.atlas_org_id
name = var.atlas_project_name
# Create a Database Password
resource "random_password" "db-user-password" {
length = 16
special = true
override_special = "_%@"
# Create a Database User
resource "mongodbatlas_database_user" "db-user" {
username = var.db_username
password = random_password.db-user-password.result
project_id =
auth_database_name = "admin"
roles {
role_name = "read"
database_name = "${var.atlas_project_name}-${var.environment}-db"
# Get My IP Address and whitelist my current IP address
data "http" "myip" {
url = ""
resource "mongodbatlas_project_ip_whitelist" "project-whitelist-myip" {
project_id =
ip_address = chomp(data.http.myip.body)
comment = "IP Address for my home office"
# If you have other CIDR also need to access mongodb atlas, you have to whitelist them
resource "mongodbatlas_project_ip_whitelist" "atlas-whitelist-cidr" {
for_each = toset(var.whitelist_list_cidr)
project_id =
cidr_block = each.key
# Create a MongoDB Atlas Cluster
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "atlas-cluster" {
project_id =
name = "${var.atlas_project_name}-${var.environment}-cluster"
num_shards = 1
replication_factor = 3
provider_backup_enabled = true
auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = true
mongo_db_major_version = var.db_version
provider_name = "GCP"
disk_size_gb = 10
provider_instance_size_name = var.cluster_instance_size_name
provider_region_name = var.atlas_region
- edit
variable "whitelist_list_cidr" {
type = list(string)
description = "CIDR to whitelist access to the project"
You can see cidr is a list of string, and that's why we foreach each cidr block.
# Atlas Organization ID
variable "atlas_org_id" {
type = string
description = "Atlas organization id"
# Atlas Project name
variable "atlas_project_name" {
type = string
description = "Atlas project name"
# Atlas Project environment
variable "environment" {
type = string
description = "The environment to be built"
# Cluster instance size name
variable "cluster_instance_size_name" {
type = string
description = "Cluster instance size name"
default = "M10"
# Atlas region
variable "atlas_region" {
type = string
description = "GCP region where resources will be created"
default = "ASIA_EAST_1"
# MongoDB Atlas DB version
variable "db_version" {
type = string
description = "mongodb database version. 4.4"
default = "4.4"
# MongoDB Atlas DB username
variable "db_username" {
type = string
description = "mongodb database username"
default = "demo-read"
# CIDR whitelist
variable "whitelist_list_cidr" {
type = list(string)
description = "CIDR to whitelist access to the project"
- edit terraform.tfvars
You have to assign values for required variables.
- atlas_public_key
- atlas_private_key
- atlas_org_id
- atlas_project_name
# Values for Variables
# MongoDB access and authentication
atlas_public_key = "YOUR PUBLIC KEY"
atlas_private_key = "YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY"
# MongoDB Atlas Cluster related settings
atlas_org_id = "YOUR-OGR-ID"
atlas_region = "YOUR-PREFERRED-REGION"
atlas_project_name = "YOUR-PROJECT-NAME"
environment = "DEMO"
db_version = "4.4"
db_username = "demo-read"
cluster_instance_size_name = "M10"
whitelist_list_cidr = [""]
Terraform mongodbatlas provider -
Generate MongoDB Atlas API Keys -
AWS and Atlas PrivateLink with Terraform -
Deploy MongoDB on GCP -
MongoDB Atlas Cluster -
MongoDB Atlas Cluster on GCP github -